UV9010 – Research Ethics

Course content

The aim of the course is to highlight the various ethical issues related to research in general and ethical issues you may face in your PhD-project. The focus is put on research ethics challenges through various stages of the research process, from project planning to the thesis.

Admission to the course

The course is compulsory for PhD candidates at the Faculty of Educational Sciences.

PhD candidates at The Faculty of Educational Sciences will be given priority. As a minimum requirement, all participants must hold at least a Master`s degree.

PhD candidates affiliated with the Faculty of Educational Sciences register through Studentweb. Others may apply through the application form published at the current semester site.

Registration deadline:?Please see the current semester site.

Overlapping courses

  • 1 credits overlap with UV9010U.


The course is organized as a seminar, with 14 hours of lectures over two days (7 hours a day). Mandatory attendance 80% required.

Program for the course: Will be published in Canvas.

We expect that you have reflected over possible ethical dilemmas related to your own PhD project in advance, and that you will be ready to discuss these during the course.

Early draft: Prior to the course, the participants are required to send a short presentation of their own PhD project. The presentation should describe procedures for data collection and address potential ethical dilemmas. Length: 2-300 words. These drafts will be circulated to all participants and will form the basis for group discussions during the course.

Deadline for submitting the early draft:?See the current semester site for deadline. Drafts are to be submitted electronically in Canvas.


To achieve 3 credits you must hand in and receive pass on a paper after the course. 80% attendance is required.

The essay:

  • Must be about ethical issues related to your PhD project
  • You can write alone, or together two and two (10-11 pages)
  • Maximum length of 7-8 pages
  • Spacing 1,5 and size 12

Submission deadline: The deadline will be published in the semester site.

Essays are to be submitted electronically in Canvas.

For information about the assessment criteria, please read the examiner guide in Canvas.

Language of examination


Grading scale

Grades are awarded on a pass/fail scale. Read more about the grading system.

More about examinations at UiO

You will find further guides and resources at the web page on examinations at UiO.

Last updated from FS (Common Student System) Feb. 22, 2025 9:24:03 AM

Facts about this course

Teaching language