Optimization of spectral flow cytometry for multi-analysis of DNA damage signaling pathways after proton irradiation

The project:

Proton therapy for cancer patients is currently being established for the first time in Norway. At Oslo University Hospital, Radiumhospitalet, a new proton therapy centre is opening in late 2024. In our team we are very excited to begin preclinical research projects focused on understanding how to fully utilize the potential of proton therapy. Compared to X-rays, which is used in traditional radiotherapy, proton radiation can be more precisely delivered to the tumor. Therefore, proton therapy gives fewer side effects to healthy tissue. On the other hand, much is unknown about how the cancer cells respond to proton radiation.

The aim of this project is to develop a unique method to characterize proton-induced DNA damage signaling pathways. Specifically, the goals are i) to optimize spectral flow cytometry using antibodies directed towards DNA damage signaling events and ii) to compare proton- and X-ray-induced DNA damage signaling in cancer cells.

Spectral flow cytometry is a new method that allows for the accurate measurement of more than 40 fluorochromes simultaneously, in thousands of single cells at one go. To our knowledge, no one has previously used spectral flow cytometry for such a multi-analysis of DNA damage signaling pathways. Therefore, the optimized method is expected to be unique.

The student will culture human cancer cells and conduct experiments with irradiation and cell harvesting, followed by antibody staining and advanced analysis using flow cytometry. The antibodies will be labeled with different fluorochromes to create a panel that can be analyzed using spectral flow cytometry. Depending on the results, additional methods, such as immunofluorescence, Western blotting and siRNA transfection, will also be used to validate the effects.

We are seeking a master student who enjoys working in the laboratory and is interested in an exciting project in method development and proton radiobiology. The project involves training in multiple standard laboratory techniques and advanced analysis using flow cytometry, and the use of a brand-new proton facility. It is advantageous to have a good technical/analytical understanding. We provide a friendly and stimulating learning environment.

Contact information:

Main supervisor:

  • Randi G. Sylju?sen, PhD (Group leader), randi.syljuasen@rr-research.no, 22781468


  • Idun Dale Rein, PhD (Head of flow cytometry unit), idurei@rr-research.no,  22781447
  • Adrian Eek Mariampillai, PhD (Postdoc), adreek@rr-research.no, 22781459

Group for radiation biology and DNA damage signaling

Department of Radiation Biology

Institute for Cancer Research

Norwegian Radium Hospital/ Oslo University Hospital

Ullernchausseen 70

N-0379 Oslo


Publisert 19. aug. 2024 20:29 - Sist endret 19. aug. 2024 21:16

Omfang (studiepoeng)