Biotechnology: Bacterial synthesis of nanoparticles with tailored catalytic properties

Project Background

Metallic nanoparticles (NPs) are typically produced by conventional chemical and physical methods that involve toxic solvents and/or produce hazardous waste [1, 2]. In our project, we intend to develop a radically new method for production of metallic NPs from noble metals using microorganisms. Our bacteria-based technology is built on the understanding of bacteria-metal interactions: (1) metal ion transport into bacteria, and (2) metal reduction processes in bacteria that help to form metal nanoparticles from the imported ions [3].

Preliminary work has shown that using genetically engineered bacterial cells, we can produce catalytically active NPs such as Palladium and Palladium-Iron NPs with defined physicochemical properties (particle size, shape, and catalytic and magnetic properties) [4]. This has the potential to offer a completely new, environmentally friendly metallic NP synthesis approach, in line with global and European sustainability goals.

Aims of this project:

You will help us to explore the microbial production of metallic nanoparticles (NPs) using various precious metals of high value to the chemical industry. This includes the synthesis of palladium-based catalyst materials, either in their pure form or alloyed with silver, gold, platinum, cadmium, and ruthenium.

Genetically modified bacterial strains will be optimized for the synthesis of these precious metal NPs, thereby contributing to our understanding of non-essential metal ion transport and reduction pathways in bacteria. The properties of the nanoparticles will be thoroughly characterized using techniques such as atomic absorption spectroscopy (AAS) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). Additionally, the catalytic performance of the bio-produced nanoparticles will be evaluated through simple reactions, such as dye conversions in aqueous systems, to identify promising samples with efficiencies comparable to those of chemical synthesized catalysts.

This project is part of the BEDPAN 2.0 project funded by NovoNordisk Fonden (Industrial Biotechnology and Environmental Biotechnology Project Grant 0086093).


  • Microbiology
  • Anaerobic cultivation methods
  • Nanomaterials handling methods
  • Metal ion quantification (Spectrophotometry and atomic absorption spectroscopy (AAS))
  • Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) of biological samples
  • Simple catalyst testing (e.g. reduction of 4-Nitrophenol)
  • Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FT-IR)


This project is best suited for students of the study programs Molecular Biology/Biochemistry, Cell Biology/Physiology, or Genetics/Developmental Biology - but students from all study programs and from other departments are welcome to contact us. Some background in Microbiology, Genetics or Biochemistry is an advantage.


Prof. Dirk Linke, Dr. Ana Lucia Campa?a

About the group:

The research group of Prof. Linke is a very international and interdisciplinary environment, and is part of the EVOGENE section. The working language in the lab is English. The group excels in microbiology, biochemistry, and biotechnology methods, but we offer thesis topics for all MSc study programs. More information (also about other potential projects interesting for MSc students) can be found here:


  1. Hennebel, T., et al., Biogenic metals in advanced water treatment. Trends Biotechnol, 2009. 27(2): p. 90-8.
  2. Gade, A., et al., Mycogenic metal nanoparticles: progress and applications. Biotechnol Lett, 2010. 32(5): p. 593-600.
  3. Campa?a, A. L., et al., Insights into the bacterial synthesis of metal nanoparticles. Frontiers in Nanotechnology, 2023. 5.
  4. Campa?a, A. L., Palladium-based nanoparticles produced by Escherichia coli: Insights into synthesis and physicochemical characterization of microbial nanoparticles. 2024.


Publisert 21. aug. 2024 14:26 - Sist endret 21. aug. 2024 14:26


Omfang (studiepoeng)