Title: Epigenetic potential, life histories and fitness in free living birds


In an increasingly changing world, organisms need to adjust to environmental fluctuations, and life-history traits should evolve towards maximizing fitness in the face of this variability. Epigenetic mechanisms – changes in gene expression that do not involve changes in the DNA sequence, such as DNA methylation – enable more rapid and plastic phenotypic responses than are possible via genetic change, and individual genomes may differ in their capacity to respond epigenetically – i.e. epigenetic potential. A high capacity for epigenetically-induced phenotypic plasticity may be an advantage for individuals to cope with unpredictable environmental variation, or for dispersing individuals to successfully establish in novel environments. Using a 40-year dataset from a wild bird (the Pied flycatcher), along with whole-genome sequencing data, this project will explore the association between epigenetic potential for DNA methylation, life history decisions and fitness (lifespan and lifetime reproductive success).

We are seeking:

A motivated MSc student with an interest in the molecular and physiological mechanisms underlying animal behaviour and adaptation. You will join a novel research line on ecological epigenetics, having the opportunity to learn and join every step of the research (i.e. fieldwork with wild birds, statistical analyses, bioinformatics).

What you will learn:

You will learn how to answer eco-evolutionary questions using modern techniques and molecular approaches. You will gain experience in behavioural ecology, ecophysiology, bioinformatics and genomics. There will also be opportunities for fieldwork and gaining experience in handling birds. The skills you will gain will provide an important foundation for future applications to PhD positions or to jobs in industry.

What we offer:

This is an opportunity to join an international, friendly research group (based in Spain and Norway) with a focus on close mentorship and skills development. We will conduct frequent lab meetings, group discussions and provide hands-on training.

Contact & questions:

Publisert 19. aug. 2024 21:28 - Sist endret 19. aug. 2024 21:28


Omfang (studiepoeng)