Utveksle til Skottland?

Klaus Nathaus anbefaler Edinburgh

Et rundt monument med ?tte s?yler og tak like h?yt som tre fire mennesker p? en h?yde omgitt av et metallgjerde og et lite plat?. I bakgrunnen sees 50-60 murbygninger , flere kirkespir og et klokket?rn. Kveldssol fra h?yre inn i bildet.


There are many reasons to choose Edinburgh as a destination for an Erasmus exchange. Some of them are academic: The University of Edinburgh's School of History, Classics and Archaeology offers students a programme with incredible breadth and depth, with course subjects ranging from South Asian to Scottish History, from urban and economic history to the history of medicine and sexuality. Teaching is partly organised in class-size tutorial groups and meant to prepare students to conduct independent study and research. In conversation with staff and fellow students from all over the world, you are encouraged to pursue your intellectual interests and mature as a scholar. An attractive campus around an excellent library as well as numerous clubs and associations facilitate academic study and student life.

The university is part of a unique city with well-preserved historical layers, from the Royal Mile and the Castle over the New Town to the typical sandstone tenement. Edinburgh also has a vibrant cultural scene and nightlife. The Edinburgh Festival is probably the most famous, but not the only cultural event that takes hold of the city each year. For anyone into hiking, biking, and camping, Edinburgh is a convenient starting point for trips into the highlands or to both coasts.

IAKHs utvekslingsavtale med University of Edinburgh

Av Klaus Nathaus
Publisert 20. nov. 2023 16:11 - Sist endret 25. nov. 2024 13:57