Ledige masteroppgaver

Tabellen viser ledige masteroppgaver for informatikk: programmering og systemarkitektur.

Oversikt over forskningsgruppene og tilh?rende masteroppgaver.

Sidetittel Publisert Veileder(e)
Distributed application optimization in Julia 3. okt. 2024
Resource auctions 3. okt. 2024
Stochastic workflow scheduling 3. okt. 2024
IncludeOS: How much energy can we save? 27. sep. 2024
Software Engineering topics 26. sep. 2024
Reasoning about Descriptions 25. sep. 2024
SPARQL Query Optimization with SHACL Constraints 25. sep. 2024
Modellere jernbane-kontrollsystemer i HybridSynchAADL 24. sep. 2024
Bruke Lingua Franca til ? koordinere distribuerte Maude-kj?ringer 24. sep. 2024
Formalisere Berkeley's PTIDES Model of Computation i Maude 24. sep. 2024
Climate and Health: Transforming Decision-Making with AI 24. sep. 2024
Reasoning in Large Language Models 24. sep. 2024
OnlineProver feedback: How to aid students in automatic teaching tools 24. sep. 2024
Several theses on Technical Debt and other topics: AI, security, visualization, bioinformatics, etc. 23. sep. 2024
Offentlig-privat partnerskap som p?driver for digitalisering i helsetjenesten 23. sep. 2024
Fremtidens sengepost 23. sep. 2024
Programming languages with quantum effects 23. sep. 2024
Energy consumption of programs and computation 23. sep. 2024
Digital ID i Norge: hvem blir inkludert? 23. sep. 2024
Modeling and Clustering Individual Privacy Attributes for Personalized Privacy Recommendations 20. sep. 2024
Privacy-aware interactions with Generative AI 20. sep. 2024
Energy impact of packet loss 20. sep. 2024
Digitalization from an infrastructure perspective 20. sep. 2024
(AI-based) Video Analysis and Processing for sports 20. sep. 2024
AI-based virtual avatars for police interview training 20. sep. 2024