P?g?ende og avsluttede masteroppgaver

Tabellen viser ledige masteroppgaver for informatikk: spr?kteknologi.

Sidetittel Publisert Student(er) Veileder(e)
A sentiment lexicon for Norwegian 28. sep. 2017
Adding gender information to named entities for studying bias in the news 21. okt. 2021
Argument mining for Norwegian 18. okt. 2018
Assessing the effects of domain and author information on sentiment predictions 7. okt. 2019
Attack the bots! Adversarial data augmentation for intent modeling 8. okt. 2019
Automated assessment of Norwegian student essays 14. okt. 2018
Broad-Coverage Semantic Dependency Parsing 1. okt. 2013
Clinical NLP for Norwegian 22. okt. 2020
Comparing Transformer variants on character-level transduction tasks 6. okt. 2023
Context-Free Approximations of (Large) Unification Grammars 14. mars 2011
Cross-Device Tracking With Machine Learning 29. sep. 2021
  • Elena Volkova
Cross-lingual transfer learning for intent classification 8. okt. 2019
Data-Augmentation for Sentiment Analysis 16. sep. 2022
Data-driven dependency parsing of Norwegian 12. sep. 2013
Deep learning for uncertainty detection 12. okt. 2016
Dependency Interconversion 3. jan. 2013
Dependency Syntax as a Foreign Language 18. okt. 2018
  • Alexandra Thuy-Lan Huynh
Dependency parsing of Norwegian tweets 14. sep. 2014
Detecting threats of violence in online discussions 14. sep. 2014
Diagnostic Semantic Dataset for Norwegian 25. okt. 2020
Dialogue Act Recognition using Dependency Features 8. sep. 2011
Domain-Specific Document Structure Analysis 2. okt. 2013
Efficient Probabilistic Inference for Spoken Dialogue Systems 27. sep. 2011
Evaluating semantic vectors for Norwegian 24. okt. 2015
Expanding the scope of event extraction 8. okt. 2024