4DSpace Japan-Norway Programme > 2025 Application

Dear all,


If you study physics, mathematics or related disciplines, and you are either a bachelor student (2-3 year) or master student, you are invited to apply for the 4DSpace Japan-Norway Programme in Space Studies. Apply before 6th of March!


Through the collaboration between UiO, Kobe University, and Kyoto University in Japan, students from UiO have again an opportunity to participate in a joint programme on space mission data analysis and numerical simulations of space plasma?s. More information about the workshops and the exchange program can be found here:https://www.mn.uio.no/fysikk/english/research/projects/4dspace/education/04_japan-norway-intpart.html [?pne adresse]


As a student of the 4DSpace Japan-Norway Programme you will participate in the following workshops and summer schools:


1) School on Space Mission Data Analysis that will be held in Oslo, 17-21 March 2025

2) Workshop on Numerical Studies of Spacecraft-Plasma Interactions in Kobe, Japan, 16-20 June 2025 

3) Workshop on Space Simulations in Oslo in September 2025



If you want to participate, you need to submit your application before the deadline 6 March by email to: kobe-oslo@fys.uio.no with the email-title: "4DSpace Japan-Norway Programme 2025 Application".


Applications must include: short CV and motivation letter (max. one page in English), as well as the transcript of grades and overview of courses taken. There is a limited number of places in the programme and selection will be based on the application and possibly an interview. Successful candidates will form international teams with Japanese students and work on the joint projects the course of the programme.


After successful completion of the courses, students may apply for 5 ECTS credits depending on their student status.



Remember the deadline: 6th March 2025!




Best regards

Mikael Mortensen (MI, UIO), mikaem@math.uio.no

Wojciech Miloch (FI, UIO), w.j.miloch@fys.uio.no

Vebj?rn Harnes T?rudbakkem (FI, UIO), vebjornt@uio.no

Publisert 27. feb. 2025 13:12 - Sist endret 27. feb. 2025 13:12