Nyhetsbrevet 16. desember // Newsletter 16 December
Vi ?nsker alle v?re studenter god jul og god nytt?r - vi gleder oss til ? se dere i januar!
We wish all our students a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year - we look forward to seeing you in January!
亚博娱乐官网_亚博pt手机客户端登录snytt fra IMK / Research news from IMK
On 12 December Cristina Archetti and Banafsheh Ranji published the article “I Feel It in My Body, in My Soul, in My Mind”: Journalism, Racist News and Immigrants’ Experience of Belonging in Journalism Studies
Liv Hausken has just published the article "Untangling Photographic Manipulation: Exploring a Dual Concept and Its Societal Implications" in Journalism and Media, and it is available online at the following links:
Website: https://www.mdpi.com/2673-5172/5/4/114
PDF Version: https://www.mdpi.com/2673-5172/5/4/114/pdf
James, C., Collier, A., Davis, K., Konrath, S., Milosevic, T., Milovidov, E., Staksrud, E., & Weinstein, E. (2025). Empathy, Kindness, and Dignity in a Connected World. In D. A. Christakis & L. Hale (Eds.), Handbook of Children and Screens: Digital Media, Development, and Well-Being from Birth Through Adolescence (pp. 231-237). Springer Nature Switzerland. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-69362-5_32
Media og oppslag:
Emilie Owens er intervjuet om ungdommers bruk av TikTok p? HFs og IMKS nettsider:
Norsk versjon: TikTok gj?r ten?ringer glade
Engelsk versjon: TikTok makes teenagers happy
?yvind Ihlen er gjest i siste utgave av podcasten Lederskap og snakker om politisk p?virkning og lobbyisme. https://shows.acast.com/lederskap/episodes/80-politisk-pavirkning-med-yvind-ihlen
Nyhetsbrevet 9. desember // Newsletter 9 December
Talk on Metamodernism at the International Library of Fashion Research
How does one theorize the contemporary, or historicize the present? What is the question to which “structure of feeling” is the answer? Are we still modern? Why is “meta” a problem?
Cultural historian & professor in Media, Culture and Society at the University of Oslo Timotheus Vermeulen will give a talk titled "Metamodernism" in the Guest Salon at the International Library of Fashion Research on Tuesday, 10th of December from 18.00 to 20.00.
This is the 11th edition of Guest Salons; an active meeting point for free conversations around and beyond fashion, once a month at International Library of Fashion Research.
Free coffee & notebooks. Welcome!
Extended reading: https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.3402/jac.v2i0.5677
Julefilmkveld 11.desember
Det n?rmer seg juleferie, og SAMMEN-panelet inviterer til filmkveld! ??
Filmen som blir vist er "Gremlins", en klassiker fra 80-tallet. Filmforsker Kjetil R?dje er med, og deltar i en samtale om filmen da den er ferdig. Det vil bli servert mat f?r filmen.
S? om du trenger en pause fra eksamner eller bare har lyst til ? kjenne p? litt julestemning, bli med oss i ? ha en hyggelig kveld! Du kan ta med en IMK-venn eller komme alene og f? noen nye venner p? arrangementet!
11.desember kl. 17:00 i rom 205.
? V?r s? snill ? svar i Facebook-arrangementet s? fort du kan, s? vi vet hvor mye mat vi skal bestille.
Talk on Metamodernism at the International Library of Fashion Research
How does one theorize the contemporary, or historicize the present? What is the question to which “structure of feeling” is the answer? Are we still modern? Why is “meta” a problem?
Cultural historian & professor in Media, Culture and Society at the University of Oslo Timotheus Vermeulen will give a talk titled "Metamodernism" in the Guest Salon at the International Library of Fashion Research on Tuesday, 10th of December from 18.00 to 20.00.
This is the 11th edition of Guest Salons; an active meeting point for free conversations around and beyond fashion, once a month at International Library of Fashion Research.
Free coffee & notebooks. Welcome!
Extended reading: https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.3402/jac.v2i0.5677
Christmas movie-night 11th December
The SAMMEN panel invites you to Christmas movie night! ??
The movie will be "Gremlins", a classic from the eighties. We will also be joined by film scholar Kjetil R?dje, and have a talk about the film afterward. There will be food served.
So if you need a break from exams or just want a little taste of the Christmas spirit, join us for a cozy evening! You can come with an IMK friend or come on your own and make some new friends at the event!
December 11th at 17:00 in room 205.
? Please answer (by clicking on "going") in the Facebook-event as quickly as possible, so we know have much food we need to order.
亚博娱乐官网_亚博pt手机客户端登录snytt fra IMK / Research news from IMK
Prosjektet ?Towards detecting AI-generated disinformation: Fakespeak in the age of large language models“ er tildelt kr.11 400 000 kr fra 亚博娱乐官网_亚博pt手机客户端登录sr?det. IMK deltar med Petter Bae Brandtz?g og en to-?rig forskerstilling.
Forskergruppen The Democracy of Silence research group (DOS) har f?tt tildelt UiO:Demokrati.midler. Gruppen best?r av Taina Bucher (PI), Peter Edwards fra IMV, Tone Bratteteig fra IFI og Robyn Boeré fra TF. I tillegg f?r IMK en stipendiatstilling til prosjektet.
Liv Hausken, together with 13 other Scandinavian researchers, has received support from the Danish Research Council for the project “AIsthesis: Network for research on the aesthetics of AI imagery.” This project is led by Lotte Philipsen from the School of Communication and Culture at Aarhus University, Denmark, and will run from March 2025 to February 2028.
You, Y., & Karlsen, F. (2024). Affordances of Digital Detox Applications: Exploring Gamification and Undesign as Design Principles. International Journal of Human–Computer Interaction, 1–12. https://doi.org/10.1080/10447318.2024.2431364
Konferanser, presentasjoner og foredrag:
The eighth CONVERSATIONS workshop on chatbots and human-centred AI, December 4-5, at CERTH, Thessaloniki, Greece. https://2024.conversations.ws/ Hvor Petter Bae Brandtz?g, med Crmi og Universitetet i Oslo som medarrang?r.
Fredag 29 november ble det arrangert heldagsarbeidsm?te p? BI med papere til et spesialnummer av tidsskriftet International Journal of Strategic Communication om Nordic perspectives on Strategic Communication, redigert av ?yvind Ihlen sammen med Winni Johansen (Aarhus), samt Alexander Buhmann (BI Norwegian Business School), Jesper Falkheimer (Lund University), Guro Refsum Sanden (BI Norwegian Business School), og Chiara Valentini (University of Jyv?skyl?).
Blant paperne som ble presentert var:
Inker-Anni Sara, Eli Skogerb?, Katerina Tsetsura: Communication Strategies of Indigenous Stakeholders: (Re)Telling a Story Through Social Movement
?yvind Ihlen, Hilmar Rommetvedt, Elin Helgesson, Ketil Raknes: Lobbying, Interest Groups, and the Nordic Model
Bergen Global, 4 December: Mozambique at the crossroads between democracy and autocracy (https://bergenglobal.us10.list-manage.com/track/click?u=b7892d2e9c911b7035ca3f38d&id=f63b490855&e=ae7e41d50b). Luisa Nhantumbo (Portugal News Agency), Carmeliza Rosario (CMI), Edson Cortez (Centre for Public Integrity), Helge R?nning (UiO) and Aslak Orre (CMI)
Taina Bucher ble intervjuet om sin p?g?ende forskning p? ungdoms holdninger til og bruk av kunstig intelligens (KI) b?de p? Dagsrevyen og i Nyhetsmorgen p? P2, torsdag 5. desember.
Det skjer:
POLKOM-Monday the 9th of December from 12.15-13.00 – both in room 435 IMK in 亚博娱乐官网_亚博pt手机客户端登录sparken og here on Zoom. During this edition of the POLKOM-Monday Steffen Krüger (UiO) will assess his book, Formative Media, particularly, the chapter on Twitter/X: The joke that isn’t funny anymore – Twitter, aggression and the perfect shitstorm
?yvind Ihlen er medarrang?r av denne prekonferansen p? ICA: https://www.icahdq.org/BlankCustom.asp?page=preconf-2025-disrupting-pr