Nyheter og beskjeder fra IMK til studentene

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Illustrasjonsbilde, tegnet, PC

Nyhetsbrevet gir deg aktuelle nyheter, kommende arrangementer og nyttig informasjon, s? noter deg det som er aktuelt for deg.

Nyhetsbrevet 16.desember

Vi ?nsker alle v?re studenter god jul og god nytt?r - vi gleder oss til ? se dere i januar!

Nyhetsbrevet 9.desember

Talk on Metamodernism at the International Library of Fashion Research

How does one theorize the contemporary, or historicize the present? What is the question to which “structure of feeling” is the answer? Are we still modern? Why is “meta” a problem?

Cultural historian & professor in Media, Culture and Society at the University of Oslo Timotheus Vermeulen will give a talk titled "Metamodernism" in the Guest Salon at the International Library of Fashion Research on Tuesday, 10th of December from 18.00 to 20.00.

This is the 11th edition of Guest Salons; an active meeting point for free conversations around and beyond fashion, once a month at International Library of Fashion Research.

Free coffee & notebooks. Welcome!

Publisert 20. okt. 2020 16:13 - Sist endret 17. des. 2024 08:42