We are pleased to invite you to the next Cities & Society seminar.
Kurt Iveson, Associate Professor of Urban Geography at the University of Sydney, will present Crowds, clouds and ‘accumulation by datafication’: further adventures in the commodification of everyday urban life.
Plus panel discussion: See below for details
Join Professor Hilary Bradbury for a participatory symposium on revitalizing knowledge creation
We are pleased to invite you to this Cities & Society seminar.
H?vard Haarstad, Professor of human geography and Director for the Centre for Climate and Energy Transformation at the University of Bergen will present "Urban sustainability and the problem of the built environment: reworking Forus Industrial Park"
Velkommen til lansering av h?stens nummer av Samfunnsgeografen!
Vi ?nsker alle masterstudenter p? samfunnsgegrafi velkommen til felleslunsj i ansattes pauserom, husk matpakke. Kaffe og te ordner vi!
ISS is hosting an exciting lecture next week:
"Environmental History of the Arctic: a view from Russia" by Julia Lajus, Associate Professor at the Department of History, St. Petersburg School of Humanities and Arts, National Research University Higher School of Economics.
Title: "About Time: Changing mobilities and creative urbanism"
By Prof. Monika Buscher (Lancaster University, Dept. Sociology)
Terra, PU og Samfunnsgeografen innkaller til allm?te 3. september klokken 16:15, seminarrom 201 Harriet Holters hus. P? m?tet vil vi velge nye styremedlemmer og g? igjennom vedtektsendringer.
Det vil ogs? bli servert pizza!