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Periodiske emneevalueringer ved ?konomisk institutt

Periodiske emneevalueringer ved ?konomisk institutt

ECON1410 - Internasjonal ?konomi (v?r 2007)

ECON1410 - Internasjonal ?konomi (v?r 2010)

ECON1500 - Innf?ring i samfunns?konomi for realister (v?r 2010)

ECON1710 - Demografi - grunnemne (h?st 2007)

ECON1730 - Befolkning og velferd (h?st 2009)

ECON1810 - Organisasjon, strategi og ledelse (v?r 2009)

ECON1910 - Poverty and distribution in developing countries (v?r 2007)

ECON2130 - Statistikk 1 (v?r 2008)

ECON2200 - Matematikk 1/Mikro 1 (MM1) (v?r 2009)

ECON2310 - Makro?konomisk analyse (h?st 2008)

ECON3010 - Anvendt ?konomisk analyse (v?r 2010)

ECON3120/4120 - Mathematics 2: Calculus and linear algebra (v?r 2007)

ECON3270/4270 - Distributive Justice (h?st 2009)

ECON3410/4410 - Introductory dynamic macroeconomics (h?st 2008)

ECON3610/4610 - Samfunns?konomisk l?nnsomhet og ?konomisk politikk (h?st 2007)

ECON3710/4710 - Demography of developing countries (v?r 2009)

ECON3730 L?nnsfastsettelse og arbeidsmarked (v?r 2010)

ECON3910 - Innf?ring i milj??konomi (v?r 2008)

ECON3910 - Innf?ring i milj??konomi (v?r 2010)

ECON4130 - Statistics 2 (h?st 2009)

ECON4135 - Applied statistics and econometrics (h?st 2009)

ECON4160 - Econometrics - Modeling and systems estimation (v?r2007)

ECON4260 -  Behavioral Economics (h?st 2009)

ECON4325 - Monetary Policy and Business Fluctuations (v?r 2009)

ECON4335 - The Economics of Banking (v?r 2010)

ECON4510 - Finance Theory (h?st 2009)

ECON4620 - Public Economics (h?st 2008)

ECON4820 - Strategic Competition (v?r 2010)

ECON4921 - Institutions and Economic Systems (h?st 2009)

ECON4925 - Resource economics (h?st 2008)

ECON5103 - Advanced Econometrics - Panel Data (v?r 2010)

ECON5200 - Advanced Microeconomics (h?st 2009)

ECON5300 - Advanced Macroeconomic Theory (h?st 2009)

Publisert 1. des. 2015 13:42 - Sist endret 1. des. 2015 13:42