Epay - Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
General payments
- What kinds of cards are accepted?
Only MasterCards/Eurocards and VISA cards.
- May all MasterCards/EuroCards and VISA cards be used?
Unfortunately, all MaserCards (and some Corporate VISA cards) issued in the Americas (including the USA) will be rejected because MasterCard/VISA do not provide a payment guarantee for payments made with these cards.
- What is a CVC2 code?
The CVC2 security code is a verification number printed on the back on your card near the signature. The code is the last three digits of the shown seven-digit number. Its purpose is to increase the security of online purchases and must be entered in addition to the card number and the expiry date.

- What is 3-D Secure, Verified by Visa and MasterCard SecureCode?
The 3-D Secure protocol is a security system developed by VISA to improve the security on the Internet. Its purpose is to fully authenticate cardholders during an online purchase, reducing the risk of abuse. VISA and MasterCard have their own implementations of this system, known as Verified by VISA and MasterCard SecureCode respectively. As a consequence of these security systems, some customers may be asked to enter a security code provided by the issuer in addition to the card number and expiry date in order to fulfill a payment.
- Why am I asked to enter a security code associated to my personal bank?
This is a part of the 3-D Secure system mentioned above. Which security control that is used for this type of system will depend on the issuer and type of card. Some customers do not have to enter a security code at all, while others may be required to enter a code used for Internet banking applications, such as on-time passwords or a code generated by a password calculator.
- I am trying to pay with my card, but I am always getting an error telling me that my card number etc. is invalid.
Please verify that you have entered all 16 digits of your card, a valid expiry date and CVC2 code (the last three digits of the shown seven-digit number near the signature) correctly. If you are still getting problems, please try again after a while.
- Payments does not work with my browser.
Your browser must accept cookies in order to use the web shop. Epay should work without any problems with newer versions of Internet Explorer, Firefox, Chrome, Safari and Opera on Windows, Mac OS X, iOS and Linux.
- I have questions regarding privacy and storing of personal information.
For payments of print quotas, please go to Nets and privacy for print payments.
For other kinds of payments, please go to Nets and privacy.
Payments for print quotas
- I tried to pay for a new print quota, but I am unsure whether the payment was successful.
Please go to Brukerinfo, and check the page for Print quota history. If your quota has not been updated correctly, please try again after an hour (if temporary errors occur while the quota is being updated, the new quota may be delayed up to two hours). If the quota is still not set correctly after two hours, please send an e-mail to utskriftskvote@admin.uio.no with your username at UiO as a reference.
- I have paid for a new print quota with my card. but the quota has not been updated.
Please read the section above (1).
Other kinds of payments (conferences etc.)
- I have paid for a conference at UiO and have questions regarding arrangement, accommodation, food etc.
Please contact the person who is responsible for the conference directly. You will find the necessary contact information by following the "Support" link at the bottom of the web shop's payment pages.
- I wish to pay for an arrangement or an item at UiO, but do not have/do not want to pay with a card.
Please read the section above (1).
Publisert 4. jan. 2010 09:40
- Sist endret 9. feb. 2023 13:41