Kommende kurs - Side 2
This workshop is for those who want to learn more about using different functions in NVivo to code, retrieve, and visualize material for your qualitative and mixed methods analysis.
Data Carpentry offers workshops on essential data skills for researchers with minimal computational experience. These domain-specific lessons build on participants' existing knowledge, allowing them to quickly apply new skills to their research.
Bring your laptop and learn how to build your personal reference library in Zotero, importing sources from catalogs and databases, and sources you already have. You will also learn how to easily cite and generate reference lists in Word.
Kurset g?r over tre timer og gir en innf?ring i bruk av referanseh?ndteringsprogrammet EndNote. Teksten p? denne siden viser deg hva du skal ha i orden, f?r du m?ter p? kurs.
Zotero is a research assistant tool that helps you not only manage your references, but collect and organize your research material, notes, and annotations. With Zotero you can easily highlight and write notes as you read, and retrieve your highlighted sections, notes, and summaries when you need them.