Time and place:
The course consists of two sessions:
Wednesday, 26 March, 12:15-15:00, in seminar room Perl, Ole-Johan Dahls hus
Friday, 28 March, 12:15-15:00, in seminar room Java, Ole-Johan Dahls hus
Note: A minimum of 10 participants is required for the course to take place. We will inform you whether the course will proceed one week prior to its start, on Wednesday, the 19th.
Target Audience:
UiO reseachers and grad students who wish to improve their skills in SPSS.
It is assumed that all participants have some experience with SPSS. Basic knowledge of research methods and statistics is an advantage, but not a requirement.
Learn how to use SPSS to run the most common statistical tests used for hypothesis testing.
- Chi squared test
- Correlation
- t-tests
- Non-parametric tests
- Linear regression
- Repeated measures analyses
- Logistic regression

Sahar Hassani
Please download the data files and unzip them beforehand, and place them somewhere easy to find on your computer. Slides will be uploaded after the course. The slides are quite detailed. So instead of taking notes, we recommend to focus on active participation in SPSS.
Non UiO users:
While our courses are primarily reserved for UiO employees, external participants are also welcome if there are available seats in the course, subject to a fee. If you are not employed at UiO and would like to be added to the participants list, please fill out this form, and we will contact you.
Important: Participants must have SPSS already installed on their PC. The latest version of SPSS may be downloaded from winprog.uio.no or macprog.uio.no. SPSS is also available remotely on UiO Programkiosk. If you need help with the installation, contact local IT in your department.