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Green Office events - Page 3

Time and place: , Niels Henrik Abels Hus

Take a break from studying and plant a seed!

Time and place: , Green Office, Frederikke

Learn how to use a sewing machine!

Time and place: , Green Office, Frederikke

Got a hole in your favorite jumper? Come to our regular repair workshop and get help repairing it! 

Time and place: , Green Office, Frederikke

Learn how to build resilience in the fight against oppressive systems!

Time and place: , Green Office, Frederikke

Learn how to use a sewing machine!

Time and place: , Green Office, Frederikke

Ever felt small and alienated in the face of Climate Change?
Let’s talk about it!

Time and place: , Green Office, Frederikke

Learn how to build resilience in the fight against oppressive systems!

Time and place: , Marmorsalen p? Sentralen

Don’t let your wardrobe treasures dust away – give them to a fellow student and upgrade your own wardrobe at the same time.

Time and place: , Green Office, Frederikke

Got a hole in your favorite jumper? Come to our regular repair workshop and get help repairing it! 

Time and place: , Green Office, Frederikke

The Green Office celebrates its first year, and we invite you to join the birthday celebration!

Time and place: , Green Office, Frederikke

Learn how to build resilience in the fight against oppressive systems!

Time and place: , Green Office, Frederikke

Got a hole in your favorite jumper? Come to our regular repair workshop and get help repairing it! 

Time and place: , Green Office, Frederikke

Are you a student in Oslo? Are you interested in climate action at your university? Do you want free lunch? You're invited to Plant-Based Universities Oslo's open meeting!

Time and place: , Green Office, Frederikke

Ever felt small and alienated in the face of Climate Change?
Let’s talk about it!

Time and place: , Green Office, Frederikke

Got a hole in your favorite jumper? Come to our regular repair workshop and get help repairing it! 

Time and place: , Stort m?terom or Zoom

Do you want to learn more about sustainability work at UiO? Maybe you have a great idea for how to make UiO greener? Or possibly you have THE idea that will save us from the climate crisis? Then sign up for the Green Office’s Sustainathon!


Want to start the new year in a greener way? Sign up for the Green Office's 'Green Semester Challenge'! 

Time and place: , Green Office, Frederikke

Make your own environmentally friendly deodorant and body lotion.

Time and place: , Green Office, Frederikke

Got a hole in your favorite jumper? Come to our regular repair workshop and get help repairing it! 

Time and place: , Underetasjen, HumSam-biblioteket

Make Black Friday green, and spend the afternoon making free Christmas ornaments and gifts at the library!

Time and place: , Green Office, Frederikke

Why join Black Friday (which is literally destroying our planet) when you can join Green Friday at the Green Office?

Time and place: , Green Office, Frederikke

Got a hole in your favorite jumper? Come to our regular repair workshop and get help repairing it! 

Time and place: , Gr?nt kontor, Fredrikkebygget

Join the Green Office in demonstrating with the Student Parliament, Naturvernforbundet, Natur og Ungdom, Greenpeace, Spire, Fagforbundet, and many other organizations in the biggest action for Climate policy! 

Time and place: , Green Office, Frederikke

Learn about the genre of eco-poetry, and to engage with new ways of thinking about and relating to ‘nature’, land, and even environmental politics and justice.

Time and place: , HumSam-biblioteket, lower floor

Do you have wool and knitted clothes that need a little tinkering and love? Come to our repair workshop and get help repairing your garments!