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UiO is testing new solutions for bike parking

As part of UiO’s ongoing work on climate, environment, and sustainability, new solutions for secure bicycle parking are being tested at Campus Blindern. Try out the bicycle lockers and smart bicycle racks, or clean your bike at the new bicycle washing station.  

Bildet kan inneholde: motorkj?ret?y, bildesign, tre, asfalt, graffiti.

Between Villa Eika and Lucy Smiths Hus you can now find 12 lockers for regular bikes. This is one of the new solutions for secure bicycle parking being tested. 

Bicycle lockers and racks 

In September, a total of 40 secure bicycle lockers from Bikely was installed at Blindern. You will find 12 lockers for regular bikes on the parking lot between Villa Eika and Lucy Smiths hus, as well as 24 lockers for regular bikes and four for cargo bikes in front of Fysikkbygningen. When you book a locker through the Bikely app, the first 12 hours are always free. After this, it costs 10 kroner per hour. 

Additionally, 20 smart bicycle racks have been installed in the shed next to Eilert Sundts hus. These bike racks are free to use. You lock and unlock them by either scanning your UiO card or by scanning the QR code on the bike rack with the Bikeep app. 

More information about bicycle parking at UiO.  

A pilot project for climate and the environment 

The bike lockers and racks are part of a pilot project managed by the Estate Department, and the aim is to test new solutions for secure parking. The project stems from UiO’s Action plan for climate, environment, and sustainability 2024-2025, which states that we will establish secure and temperature-controlled bicycle parking at Campus Blindern and Campus T?yen. While the pilot is ongoing, investigations are being conducted to identify other locations on our campuses that are suitable for secured bicycle parking. 

Visit the website for the secure bicycle parking pilot project for more information.

Give us your feedback! 

The testing of the lockers and bike racks will last for at least six months. In the spring of 2025, we will analyse how and how much the lockers have been used, evaluate and make adjustments.

Until then, we depend on feedback from those who bike to Blindern. If this is you, and you have tried the lockers or the smart racks, we want to hear from you. Go directly to the online feedback form ( to give your opinion. The feedback form is anonymous. ? 

New bicycle washroom 

A new bicycle washroom has been established in the basement of Niels Henrik Abels hus. The entrance is through the garage port located near the steps between Georg Sverdrups hus and Sophus Lies auditorium. The new bike washing station is large enough to also accommodate cargo bikes and long-tail bikes.  

To prevent frost damage to your bike during the winter months, you can dry it using the fan heater there. We would also like to remind you that there are washing facilities in the basement of Domus Juridica at Campus Downtown. ? 

More information about bicycle cleaning at UiO.

Published Oct. 14, 2024 10:32 AM - Last modified Oct. 14, 2024 10:32 AM