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Information for applicants and assessment committees on appointments to academic posts as professor, associate professor, and promotion from post as associate professor to professor on qualification at the Faculty of Medicine

This orientation provides a brief overview of the key components in the appointment process at the Faculty of Medicine, but it is not exhaustive. For further information, please see the relevant regulations listed in the attachment.

Revised March 2020

1. Assessment process

Applications to academic posts will be assessed by a committee of experts. An assessment committee has no formal, independent status in the appointment process, but will give an advisory assessment by virtue of its academic expertise. This assessment will be used as the foundation for further processing by selection and appointment committees.

The use of special assessment by a group of experts is based on the need for independent, academic-based quality assurance, while emphasising that academic autonomy is the foundation of research and education. The assessment committee will identify at least three applicants (if that many are qualified) who will undergo a more thorough assessment and ranking. The committee will provide a justification for the ranking of the candidates. It is not possible to recommend more than one candidate for the same ranking. The other applicants will not be assessed in depth, but the committee will explain what distinguishes these applicants from the candidates selected.

The expert assessment will normally be completed within a three-month period after the committee members have received the applications if there are four or more applications and within a two-month period if there are three or less applications.

Assessment criteria for the assessment committee

a) National norms for the evaluation of professorial competence - criteria for assessment at the faculties of medicine in Norway

Adopted by the National Meeting of Deans in Medicine, Troms?, 1 July 2015. Revised at the National Mini-Meeting of Deans in Medicine, Svalbard, 6-8 December 2015. Second revision at the National Meeting of Deans in Medicine, Alta, 2 June 2016. Third revision at meeting of Deans in Medicine 24. March 2020.

Teaching qualifications

For professorial competence, a basic teaching qualification is required, defined as a course in university teaching/university college teaching. In addition, documented practical teaching competence is required in the form of experience in work related to teaching and examinations as well as to pedagogical planning. Work on development and evaluation, educational leadership, production of teaching materials, awards for teaching and other pedagogical background must also be emphasised.

If specific reasons allow it, applicants for the position of professor who do not satisfy the requirements for basic university pedagogical competence, may be given a two-year deadline from commencement to meet these. This applies primarily to foreign applicants and to applicants for a combined professor II position with a main position in a Hospital Trust. However, the main rule for appointment to professorships is that the requirement should be met at the time of appointment.

Professorial competence requires documented experience in the supervision of research recruits at various levels. Normally, a requirement for professorial competence will be that the applicant has been the main supervisor of at least one candidate to the point of a completed doctorate (the candidate has defended his or her thesis). This requirement can be waived only for foreign applicants, if the applicant meets all other criteria and in addition has distinguished himself or herself significantly beyond what would normally be expected in terms of academic qualifications. In such cases, the committee is asked to consult the faculty before submitting their assessment.

Academic qualifications

Professorial competence requires significant academic production beyond that required for a doctoral degree.

The emphasis is to be on academic work, as well as on research leadership and participation in research projects. The research must be of high quality and must show both breadth and depth. The production must reflect an independent research profile and show the ability to address new questions. Continuous research activity is a prerequisite for the granting of professorial competence. Quality, originality and innovation in academic production are emphasized above the total scope, and more recent works are given greater weight than older works.

The total research production should correspond to a minimum of 15 publications of high quality and originality. The publications should be published in international peer- reviewed journals. At least seven publications after the completion of the doctorate shall be as first or last author, of which at least two as first author.

If some articles have been published in one of the discipline’s most prestigious journals and the articles are of very high quality, a reduction in the number of articles required may be considered.

In large academic works of joint authorship, such as large multi-centre studies, the contribution from the applicant should be specified in the application and in a written statement from the head of the studies, or through reference to a recognized contact person who knows the works and the applicant.

The academic requirements for professorial competence are the same regardless of whether the post is a main or an additional position.

Qualifications for the dissemination of knowledge and research

Documented dissemination of knowledge and research, efforts to spread knowledge of scientific methods and results shall be emphasised. Popular science articles and information materials are of particular merit.

Qualifications for management and administration

Weight must be given to documented education and practice in administration and leadership, as well as experience from relevant offices held. Administrative experience from teaching and research activities is meritorious. Such qualifications also include the establishment, management and operation of one’s own research group, establishment of an academic community and work as an expert in assessment

Other academic qualifications

Other academic qualifications specified in the job description may be considered.

Weighting of the different qualifications

In the overall assessment, the entire breadth of qualifications is to be considered. Greater weight is given to teaching and academic qualifications than to the other qualifications mentioned above.

The fact that an applicant has especially high competence in teaching, administrative work or other qualifying activity does not diminish the requirements for academic competence.

b) Assessment criteria for associate professorships

The required qualification for an associate professorship is a doctoral degree in the academic field concerned or equivalent expertise.

2. Final recommendation

The body with the power of recommendation is tasked with identifying the applicant who after an objective overall assessment is best qualified for the position, and to recommend this person to the body with the power of appointment. The body with the power of recommendation is responsible for conducting interviews and decides whether trial lectures or other tests will be held. As a main rule, minimum three applicants should be recommended in prioritised order. It is not possible to recommend two applicants in the same place. If the body with the power of recommendation finds that only one applicant can be recommended, this should be given a specific justification. This justification will normally be that there are no other qualified candidates.

Assessment criteria for recommendation

  • Qualifications related to description of position and announcement
  • The report from the assessment committee ? Personal suitability for the position, based on interviews and references
  • Research plans and ambitions for own teaching activity
  • Pedagogical and professional dissemination qualifications, among other things based on any trial lectures


As a supplement to the academic assessment, the most promising applicants will be interviewed in order to gain an overall impression of the candidates. When appointing to subsidiary posts at the University combined with principal posts at the hospitals, the interviews are conducted in cooperation with the principal employer. The interviews will usually be conducted by an academically representative group of three to five persons, among which will normally be the academic leader for the position. The group is appointed by appointed by the body with the power of recommendation. When appointing to subsidiary posts at the University combined with principal posts at the hospitals, the group shall consist of a minimum of 3 academic staff, of which at least to shall represent the University of Oslo.

The purpose of the interview is to ascertain the applicant’s personal suitability, research plans, ambitions for own teaching activity, motivation and potential for development. The interview group’s recommendation with an explanation of its reasoning will be presented by the body with the power of recommendation along with the assessment committee’s expert assessment. 

3. Appointment

Appointments to professorships and associate professorships are carried out by the appointment committee at the faculty level. The exception to this general rule is an appointment without a prior vacancy announcement for a professorship and an appointment to professor SKO 1404 (professor for academic leadership), which are handled by the UiO board’s appointment committee.

Appointments to subsidiary posts at the university combined with other principal posts

When appointing to subsidiary posts at the University combined with principal posts at the hospitals, each of the two employers carry out their own recruitment procedures separately. In regard to the academic duties of the subsidiary post, the applicants are assessed by the qualification requirements decided by the University in regard to the specific post in question, while for the principal post they are assessed by the qualification requirements as decided by the principal employer. Final assessment is based upon a combined evaluation of the applicant’s competence in its totality in regard to the post’s dual function. In the eventuality that the two employers are in disagreement, the recommendation of the main employer will be the result. In case one of the employers wish to appoint a candidate that is not found qualified by the other employer, the position must be announced anew.

4. The applicant’s right of access

A copy of the expert assessment by the assessment committee is sent to the applicants before the matter comes before the body with the power of recommendation. The applicants have the right to make written comments to the assessment. However, this does not entail a right to file a formal complaint of decisions taken in appointment matters, but represents an expanded right of access and the opportunity to correct any misunderstandings. The body with the power of recommendation decides whether any comments will be forwarded to the assessment committee for its consideration. The deadline for applicants to submit comments will normally be 14 days. In this connection, both the applicants and those involved in the appointment process are subject to a duty of confidentiality, and may only use the information to ensure that a fair assessment has been conducted. Any comments from the applicants will be included in the further handling of the case until a final decision on the appointment is taken.

5. Application and expert assessment

The faculty of medicine has developed tools including standardised outlines for both the application and the report from the expert assessment committee.

Attachment: Index of relevant rules and regulations

Published Nov. 24, 2020 3:55 PM - Last modified Dec. 2, 2020 1:53 PM