Diversity, equality and inclusion is about democracy and fundamental human rights, but also about the quality of our activities and about UiO's legitimacy in society.
Diversity, equality and inclusion is both a goal and a process that involves:
- the University consciously promoting an organizational culture and a work and learning environment that is inclusive and fair.
- teaching, subject strategy and incentive schemes are designed so that it gives qualifying candidates and researchers an equal opportunity to develop their talent.
- the University pursuing an active recruitment policy that evens out skewed gender selection and indirect discrimination.
- the distribution of employees in research and teaching positions reflect the gender distribution in the recruitment basis for the various position levels.
1. Policy documents and action plan
The University of Oslo's policy for diversity, equality and inclusion is anchored in:
- Action Plan for Diversity, Gender Equality and Inclusion 2021-2024 (pdf)
The duration of this action plan has been extended until 2025 following an approval of the Rector. A working group appointed by the Pro-Rector will develop a new action plan for the 2026-2030 period in 2025.
- Faculty strategies and action plans for diversity and gender equality (Norwegian)
- Strategy 2030
2. Resources and organisation
In order to achieve the goals set in the action plan, there are dedicated resources for the work:
- The University Board allocates funds annually for central and local work for DEI.
- Several of the university units also have their own earmarked funds for local DEI work.
- UiO's advisor for DEI is responsible for following up UiO's action plan for diversity, gender equality and inclusion.
- Coordination group for diversity, equality and inclusion (Norwegian) is chaired by Pro-Rector ?se Gornitzka. The group's main task is to contribute to strategic discussions and goal formulation of DEI work at UiO. The group also reviews the budget and accounts for UiO's DEI funds annually.
- The DEI Network (Norwegian) is for employees with specific responsibilities for the local work on equality, diversity, and inclusion at UiO. The network is a platform for sharing experiences, relevant issues and needs that arise locally in the efforts to promote equality, inclusion, and diversity within UiO’s units.
3. Data and monitoring
UiO's yearly gender equality report
UiO reports on its gender equality work in accordance with the activity duty and the duty to issue a statement as required by Norwegian law (Aktivitets- og redegj?relsesplikten). This is done annually in UiO's business reporting. In continuation of this, a separate gender equality report is prepared which provides a broad overview of the status and work of promoting gender equality and gender balance at the University of Oslo.
Key figures on gender balance at UiO
Key figures for UiO obtained from DBH.
Mapping of gender equality at UiO
UiO's DEI work is based on monitoring and mapping in our organisation.
- Mangfold og inkludering ved UiO - en forskningsrapport (Br?ten, B. & Mikalsen, M.F. (2022), Senter for tverrfaglig kj?nnsforskning, UiO) (Summary in English)
- Evaluering av mentorprogrammet for kvinnelige postdoktorer ved UiO (pdf) (Beqiri, A., Bratteberg, I. C., Solberg, I., Zakariassen, K., Finset, S. E. (2021) Prosjektforum, UiO)
- Kj?nn, veiledning og omsorgsansvar (Orning, S. E.S (2017) Senter for tverrfaglig Kj?nnsforskning, UiO)
- Kj?nnssegregering i h?yre utdanning: perspektiver, forskning og tiltak (pdf) (de Leon Born, V. og Hegna, K. (2017) Institutt for pedagogikk, UiO)
- Kj?nnsbalanse og l?ringsutbytte (pdf) (Gullv?g Holter, ?. og Thun, C. (2013) Senter for tverrfaglig kj?nnsforskning, UiO)
- Kj?nn og karriere (pdf) (L?vbak, H. E. og Gullv?g Holter, ?. (2012) Senter for tverrfaglig kj?nnsforskning, UiO)
4. Action and initiatives
Diversity, equality and inclusion
- Gender equality work for managers
- Gender equality initiatives for career progression
- Oslo Pride celebration at UiO
- Gay perspectives at UiO
Work against harassment and sexual harassment
- Ethical guidelines
- Harassment
- Procedures for reporting cencurable conditions at UiO
Speak up about the learning environment (for students and PhD-students)