Courses for international staff

Upcoming courses for international staff

Time and place: , Hannah Ryggen-rommet, Lucy Smiths Hus

This course is targeted on early career reseachers such as PhD candidates, but postdocs are also welcome to join. It will give you hands-on tools that you can use in your career planning wheter you are aiming for a career within or outside academia. 


The course continues where basic level 1 left off, taking you several steps further in coping with everyday life in Norwegian.


The course continues where basic level 2 left off, taking you several steps further into the language used in everyday life in Norway. 


The course provides a "Norwegian survival kit" for newcomers.

Time and place: , Zoom

Become more aware of your own motivation, mindset, and how you plan your working day. In this short introductory course on self-management, you will, through the use of simple techniques, improve your prioritization and stress management skills.