Previous courses for international staff

Time and place: , Zoom

Become more aware of your own motivation, mindset, and how you plan your working day. In this short introductory course on self-management, you will, through the use of simple techniques, improve your prioritization and stress management skills.


Kurset tar for seg norsk spr?k p? et avansert akademisk niv?. M?let med kurset er at kursdeltakerne skal v?re i stand til ? best? C1-pr?ven.

Time and place: , Zoom

Become more aware of your own motivation, mindset, and how you plan your working day. In this short introductory course on self-management, you will, through the use of simple techniques, improve your prioritization and stress management skills.

Time and place: , Hannah Ryggen-rommet, Lucy Smiths Hus

This course is targeted on early career reseachers such as PhD candidates, but postdocs are also welcome to join. It will give you hands-on tools that you can use in your career planning wheter you are aiming for a career within or outside academia. 

The Norwegian working environment is full of social norms and unwritten rules. The aim of this workshop is to provide participants with interesting exercises and fun, but also important and useful insights into such norms and rules. The workshop is highly recommended for both international and Norwegian staff at UiO.

Time and place: , GSH: LINKEN

Scopus, Web of Science, and Google Scholar serve as valuable additions to discipline-specific journal databases when conducting literature searches.  In this workshop we will demonstrate effective search techniques that will help you to get a quick first-hand overview of a research topic. Additionally, participants will have the opportunity to explore the databases and search for relevant articles for their own projects. Remember to bring your laptop!

Time and place: , GSH: DSC- Oasen

Learn the BASIC of programming in R, a common tool for data analysis and statistics. The goal of this workshop is to provide a starting point for those newly interested in R.

Time and place: , DSC-Oasen

NVivo is a powerful tool for organizing and structuring your material for qualitative analysis. Learn how to code and retrieve in NVivo and get an introduction to useful NVivo functionalities.

Time and place: , GSH: DSC-Oasen

Learn about what Data Management Plans (DMPs) are and how to write one!

Time and place: , GSH: L?ringsoasen

Open research is the new normal, but how to navigate this landscape? This course will help you map out some key concepts by giving you an introduction to UiO policies, infrastructure, and support for open research, with a focus on open publishing.

The Norwegian working environment is full of social norms and unwritten rules. The aim of this workshop is to provide participants with interesting and fun, but also important and useful insights into such norms and rules. The workshop is highly recommended for both international and Norwegian staff at UiO.

Time and place: , Helga Engs hus: Room U31

Are you applying for funding or just been granted money to start up a new project?
In this course you will be introduced to the framework and methodology of “classic” project management and how to adapt this to project management of a research project. The aim of this course is to give you the knowledge on how to better plan for your research project and to ensure effective implementation and minimize risks throughout.

Time and place: , Sophus Bugge sem. room 2

NVivo is a powerful tool for organizing and structuring your material for qualitative analysis. Learn how to code and retrieve in NVivo and get an introduction to useful NVivo functionalities.

Time and place: , Sophus Bugge sem. room 2

Open research is the new normal, but how to navigate this landscape? This course will help you map out some key concepts by giving you an introduction to UiO policies, infrastructure, and support for open research.

Time and place: , Sophus Bugge sem. room 2

Learn about what Data Management Plans (DMPs) are and how to write one!

Time and place: , Sophus Bugge sem. room 1

Zotero is a smart reference and research tool suitable for collaboration. In this workshop, you will learn how to collect, organize, and share your bibliographies, cite as you write, and mark up and annotate your research material. 

The Norwegian working environment is full of social norms and unwritten rules. The aim of this workshop is to provide participants with interesting and fun, but also important and useful insights into such norms and rules. The workshop is highly recommended for both international and Norwegian staff at UiO.

Time and place: , Lucy Smiths house, 10th floor, Hanna Ryggen rommet (1004)

Are you a Research Fellow? Do You experience stress? Too many demands at the same time?

Time and place: , Hanna Ryggen Rommet

The course is for people working in the laboratory.

The Norwegian working environment is full of social norms and unwritten rules. The aim of this workshop is to provide participants with interesting and fun, but also important and useful insights into such norms and rules. For both non-Norwegian researchers and Norwegian staff at UiO, the workshop is highly recommended!

The Norwegian working environment is full of social norms and unwritten rules. The aim of this workshop is to provide participants with interesting and fun, but also important and useful insights into such norms and rules. For both non-Norwegian researchers and Norwegian staff at UiO, the workshop is highly recommended!

The Norwegian working environment is full of social norms and unwritten rules. The aim of this workshop is to provide participants with interesting and fun, but also important and useful insights into such norms and rules. For both non-Norwegian researchers and Norwegian staff at UiO, the workshop is highly recommended!

Time and place: , Stort m?terom, Georg Sverderups hus (University library)

The aim of this workshop is to give the participants insight into the social norms and the unwritten rules of the Norwegian working environment.

Time and place: , Georg Sverdrups house, undervisningsrom 2

Are you a Research Fellow? Do You experience stress? Too many demands at the same time?


The aim of this online workshop is to give the participants insight into the social norms and the unwritten rules of the Norwegian working environment.