Arrival and the first weeks

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A well-planned welcome!

To ensure the new employee feels welcomed and taken care of, a well-planned welcome is crucial. A good introduction will contribute to a positive attitude towards work and the unit, instill correct work habits from the start, and create a better learning situation.

Leader's Responsibility and Buddy System

The responsibility for the introduction lies with the immediate leader. The leader should, as much as possible, limit their absence when a new employee is introduced. However, if the leader is unavailable, a contact person, a "buddy," should be appointed. A close colleague takes responsibility for social integration and introducing the new employee to practical aspects of the unit, ensuring the new employee always has someone to turn to

Important activities in this Period: 

First working day

  • Welcome and greet the new employee
  • Overview of the plan for the first weeks – introduce the training plan if available
  • Brief overview of organization, tasks, work distribution, authority structure, and working methods
  • Introduction round and tour
  • Overview of practical work conditions: office space, network connection, IT support, access card, copier, restroom, parking, etc.
  • Provide practical information about the workplace, library card/employee card, keys, etc.
  • Ensure relevant system access, retrieve usernames and passwords

The first weeks

  • Identify training needs, potential adaptation needs (use the training plan)
  • Further introduction to the organization and tasks
  • Inform about how the employer will conduct professional guidance, training, and feedback during the probationary period
  • Provide information about rights and duties
  • Introduction to workplace conditions, UiO's ethical guidelines, reporting procedures, ombudsman system, fire safety (within 14 days), safety guidelines
  • Optionally: registration for welcome breakfast for international researchers
  • Allocate time and be available for the new employee.
  • Daily social follow-up, information about formal and informal rules
  • Practical support and training in internal systems and ensure a low threshold for assistance.
Published Dec. 6, 2023 12:43 PM - Last modified Dec. 6, 2023 12:43 PM