Before Arrival

Important Considerations in Planning a Successful Onboarding

When preparing for a successful onboarding, there are several clarifications to be made in advance. It's important to consider the individuals involved in the reception process, their roles, responsibilities, and the identity of the new employee, including their intended role.

Individuals involved in the reception process and their roles:

  • New Employee: Responsible for familiarizing themselves with the onboarding plan, completing agreed-upon activities, participating in training, and engaging in dialogue.
  • Leader: Responsible for preparing a thorough onboarding, creating a start-up plan, conducting start-up meetings, designing a training program, and involving the appropriate key individuals in the process.
  • Key Persons: Offer support for both the leader and the new employee during the onboarding process. Typically includes administrative leaders, research leaders, management advisors, etc.
  • HR Advisor: Provides guidance as needed and maintains tools and templates

Understanding the New Employee:

  1. Recruitment Background: Was the new employee recruited from Norway or abroad? Internally or externally?
  2. Previous Experience: What experience does the new employee have in a similar role? With systems and procedures at UiO?
  3. Training Needs: What specific training does the new employee require related to the organization, field of expertise, or systems?
  4. Courses/Networks: Identify relevant courses or networks in collaboration with the new employee. This planning is done in cooperation, but having an overview in advance is beneficial.Competence development - For employees - University of Oslo (

Addressing Special Challenges:

  • Are there any specific challenges or considerations for the new employee that need to be accommodated?

Based on the answers to these questions, the template for the introduction meeting and the initial part of the introduction plan is completed. The remainder of the introduction plan is filled out during the introduction meeting with the employee


Published Dec. 6, 2023 12:43 PM - Last modified Dec. 6, 2023 12:43 PM