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Introduction of new employees at NHM

Newly hired employees at NHM should experience a warm reception and feel welcome when they start their new job at the museum. In accordance with UiO's onboarding procedures, new employees are systematically supported throughout their first year of employment.

NHM's procedures apply to new employees in permanent positions and longer-term temporary positions. For shorter-term temporary positions, the managers determine the extent and duration of the onboarding process themselves.


The initial period in a new job is crucial for both the new employee and the employer. This time lays a foundation for the new employee's well-being and contribution as a valuable resource. Establishing oneself in a new job takes several months, and during the initial period, newly hired individuals often undergo intensive learning and adaptation processes, particularly those arriving from abroad. A well-prepared start and a comprehensive plan for the entire onboarding period can be beneficial.

The onboarding process should be tailored to the new employee's needs and assist them in:

  • Quickly assimilating into NHM's organizational culture and understanding the role of the museum.
  • Understanding their own responsibilities, roles, and tasks.
  • Familiarizing themselves with practical matters and relevant guidelines and procedures.
  • Receiving necessary skill development and training.
  • Establishing essential connections.

Manager's responsibility

It is the manager's responsibility to ensure that the new employee receives proper support and necessary training during the onboarding period, and facilitate the new employee's smooth integration into the work environment.

NHM has created a guide to help managers in planning and conducting onboarding process for new employees. 


The administration plays a crucial role in supporting leaders with practical and administrative tasks related to the reception of new employees. Additionally, HR serves as a valuable resource for managers, offering guidance, clarification, and support regarding the onboarding process for new employees.

Buddy and colleagues

Onboarding of new employees is the responsibility of the manager, but they can involve and delegate tasks to an assigned buddy and colleagues. All new employees at NHM are assigned a buddy.