Norwegian version of this page

Practical and administrative tasks when receiving new employees

What has been clarified beforehand?

The recruitment process ensures that the following preparations are in place when the new employee takes up his or her position:

  • Contract
  • Agreement on starting date
  • Clarification of salary

Access to administrative systems

To ensure that a new employee has access to all necessary administrative systems upon commencing work her/his work contract must be sent to the Payroll Office within the deadline for payroll orders the month salary payment is to be initiated, see personnel routine for signed work agreement (Norwegian).

Preparation of the workplace

Before the position is taken up, the workplace shall be prepared with respect to furniture, lighting, equipment, nameplate, mail shelf, keys/access cards etc.

Employee card

The head of office must send the necessary information to the Security Operation Centre, so that the new employee can receive an employee card at SiO Customer Service on Blindern Campus.


The new employee should be provided with information material about UiO, his/her new workplace, and the unit's HSE routines. The most important general introductory information is to be found on or under the web page New at UiO. International researchers should be made aware of UiO's support site for international researchers.

Profile page at

To create a profile page for the new employee, contact your local webmaster (Norwegian). The profile page show what each employees is working on and serves as a digital business card with contact information. Read more on profile pages.

Fire protection

The person responsible for the floor shall introduce the new employee to the fire safety routines.

Introductory events

International employees should be made aware of the Welcome breakfast that is offered twice every semester. Non-Norwegian speaking employees may be enrolled in a Norwegian language course and might find it beneficial to attend events organised by the International Staff Mobility Office (ISMO).

New employees and guests from abroad

When receiving new employees and guests from abroad there are additional issues that require preparation and follow-up. Read more about receiving new employees and guests from abroad.

Published July 7, 2021 1:47 PM - Last modified Jan. 11, 2023 5:39 PM