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Being a Distinguished Educator

By becoming a Distinguished Educator, you are acknowledged for improving the educational quality at UiO. You may receive a great title,  higher salary,  and extra funds for your educational environment.

All individuals awarded the title of Distinguished Educator:

  • receive written feedback on their application 
  • retain the title of Distinguished Educator for as long as they are employed at UiO
  • become members of UiO's Pedagogical Academy for as long as they are employed at UiO
  • are entitled to be considered for salary assessment according to the Basic Collective Agreement clause 2.5.3 no. 2, extraordinary work effort. The employer will make the claim on their behalf.
  • are granted the right to allocate time equivalent to one academic term with the purpose of strengthening the research-oriented and collective aspects of the scheme. This can be achieved, for example, through educational research or involving colleagues in their own educational practices. The formal leader is responsible for arranging with the Distinguished Educator how the work should be carried out, for example, by dedicating 20% of their time for a specific period if a full academic term is not desirable for the unit or the Distinguished Educator.
  • The academic community of the Distinguished Educator receives a one-time payment of NOK 50,000. The funds will be tied to a local initiative aimed at enhancing the educational quality at the Distinguished Educator's unit in consultation with the Distinguished Educator. If this initiative requires additional financial resources, the unit is responsible for financing it through internal funds or by seeking external funding.


Any questions?

Please contact senior adviser Kirsti Margrethe Mortensen, Department of Education Services.


How to apply?

Processing the application

Published May 23, 2024 9:35 AM - Last modified May 23, 2024 9:45 AM