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MED-nytt, no 10 – 2024

New faculty director. Update on the study of possible co-organisation with the Faculty of Dentistry. Funding for innovative researchers. Biomarker facility opened at Ahus. Funds for new research infrastructure.


Dekan Hanne Flinstad Harbo

Editorial: New faculty director

Dean Hanne Flinstad Harbo welcomes Hanna Ekeli as the new faculty director over the summer and informs about the last part of the process regarding the study of possible co-organisation with the Faculty of Dentistry.

We hope that everyone had a great 17 May celebration!

Read the Dean’s full editorial


News from MEDHanna Ekeli

Ekeli is the new faculty director

On 14 May 2024, the University Board decided to offer Hanna Ekeli the position of Faculty Director at the University of Oslo’s Faculty of Medicine. Read the full article on UiO’s main website


UiO Growth House awards NOK 1.3 million to innovative researcherspersonportretter 

Four communities from MED were among the eleven research groups that received seed funding from UiO Growth House to develop their innovation ideas. Congratulations to Charlotte Boccara (NCMM), Gustavo Jose da Silva (IMB), Mathias Toft (Klinmed) and Torbj?rn Omland (Klinmed).
Read the full article on the UiO Growth House website



?pning av kjernefasilitetNew biomarker facility opened at Ahus

The new analysis instrument provides significantly increased capacity for analysing blood samples. This is good news for researchers at Ahus.

ead the full article on Klinmed’s website (in Norwegian)


illustrasjon forskningsinfrastruktur innen lysmikroskopi og sekvenseringUiO funding for new research infrastructure within the fields of light microscopy and sequencing

Congratulations to William Louch’s and Dag Undlien’s research communities which receive funding from UiO to acquire new research infrastructure. 

Read the full article on Klinmed’s website.


Management meetings

Opportunities and deadlines

Courses and events

See the University of Oslo’s calendar for an overview of all available courses. See also updated overviews of courses from UiO IT and the Library of Medicine and Science.

Overview: Upcoming public defences

  • 22 and 24 May: Course in research data processing. Learn how to process research data in a lawful, structured and secure manner and how to store, reuse and understand research data in the future. Some courses are in Norwegian and some in English.
  • hjernen i sentrum28 May: The Brain in the Centre: Screen (in Norwegian). How does screentime affect your brain? Does screen use cause you to gain or lose anything?
  • 29 May: The Centre for Medical Ethics invites people to a lecture featuring Lars Lien, with comments from Bushra Ishaq: : Is the biopsychosocial model in crisis? Existential reflections.
  • 30 May: UiO:Life Science invites you to mark the end of the funding period for the second-generation convergence environment. The leaders of the interdisciplinary research groups will present what they have achieved konverteringsmilj?lederneand exchange experiences about what it is like to be part of a convergence environment. Everyone is welcome! Those people who are considering applying for the convergence environment are especially encouraged to attend. Mingling and tapas.
    NB: Requires registration.
  • 31 May, 9:00-11:00: On behalf of the Research Committee, the Faculty of Theology is organising the Forum for Research Ethics with the topic Research in times of war. Please join us!
  • hjernen i sentrum - kunst5 June: The Brain in the Centre: Art (in Norwegian). The Faculty of Medicine invites you to attend the final session of the “Brain in the Centre” series at the Auditorium. How does the brain process artistic stimuli? Experience the dissemination of research surrounded by Munch’s paintings.
  • 12-13 June: School of Health Innovation: Course for Professors and Managers open for registration. Learn how you can increase innovation in your laboratory and build bridges across the gap between researchers and health innovators. Register to attend the course in Copenhagen on 12-13 June. All expenses will be covered. First come, first served.

About research

You can follow the faculty on facebook, LinkedIn and Instagram.

Andersen og LengleIMB: Following the dietary guidelines is smart – for you and the climate. We can kill two birds with one stone by following the dietary advice: “It is good for our health, and it reduces our climate and environmental footprint both nationally and internationally,” says Lene Frost Andersen and Julie Marie Lengle.


Elna og HanneUniversitetsplassen podcast: Young cancer survivors and patient communication (in Norwegian) Being a young cancer survivor is not the same as being exactly as you were before the disease. Healthcare professionals must be attentive, and the person who has been ill needs to be able to articulate their own situation. 

illustrasjon frav?rsgebyrMedisinbloggen: Why do we have an absence fee? by Joar Fystro and Eli Feiring. Failure to attend hospital appointments can cost you a lot of money. This is something that the so-called absence fee ensures. But what exactly is the purpose of the fee and what is the reason for using it at Norwegian hospitals?


MehlumUniversitetsplassen podcast: Meeting suicide researcher Lars Mehlum (in Norwegian): “I have learned a tremendous amount from all the meetings with people who have either been thinking about or have attempted to commit suicide.” 



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By Silje M. Kile Rosseland
Published May 22, 2024 4:04 PM - Last modified Jan. 17, 2025 1:49 PM