Where can you create a new project?
Remember that you must have “project admin” rights to create a new project in BookitLab.
- Click on BILLING in the navigation menu and then Projects in the submenu.
- Click on the + Add New Project button. This will take you to the Add New Project page.
What kind of project will you create in BookitLab and how?
Within BookitLab, projects can be categorized in the following way. Open each type to see how a project is created in BookitLab.
A: Project available in Unit4 (internal and contribution projects, and some long-term assignment projects)
Fetching subproject information from Unit4
- Find the subproject number ("delprosjekts nummer" in Norwegian) in Unit4.
- In BookitLab, on the Add New Project page, enter the subproject number in the CREATE BY INTEGRATION field and click the Submit button.
- Check if the following fields are automatically filled in.
- PROJECT NAME: Must be the same as in Unit4.
- PROJECT NUMBER: The provided subproject number.
- COST CENTER: The cost center of the subproject.
- PROJECT CATEGORY: For most, either "intern" (internal) or "bidrag" (contribution).
- BILLING TYPE: Internal.
- END DATE: Both Unit4 and BookitLab end dates. The end date for BookitLab is set three months earlier than the Unit4 end date. After the BookitLab end date, it is not possible to use the project for booking/order, but it is possible to send invoices.
Fill in mandatory fields
- Org unit: Select Regular users@uio.no unless specified by core admin.
- Project coordinator: Select the project economist responsible for the subproject.
- Project Category: This field should be filled automatically, but if not, select the correct category.
- BDM: Select BDM from the list. If not available, ask BDM to log into BookitLab.
- Status: Select Draft. After all necessary information is filled out, set to BDM to approve.
- Project amount: Set the agreed budget.
- HARD LIMIT: Once the amount reaches or exceeds the HARD LIMIT (given in percentage), users can no longer use this project for booking or ordering services. The default setting is 100%.
- SOFT LIMIT: The first Monday after the amount exceeds the SOFT LIMIT, a warning is sent to the users/email addresses set in the USERS and ADDITIONAL EMAILS fields. The default setting is 80%. The warning is sent every Monday as long as the amount is over the SOFT LIMIT and the project is active and has not passed its end date.
- Click the Submit button to display a section where users can be added.
- PROJECT ALLOWED USERS section: Add users associated with the project.
- In the ADD NEW MEMBER subsection, select ADD SPECIFIC USER/S.
- Fill in the SELECT AN EXISTING BOOKITLAB USER field with the user's information.
- Click the Add button.
- If necessary, set the following fields for each user:
- USER LIMIT: Amount limit for the user.
- WORK PACKAGE: Building and work package.
- COST CENTER: Cost center.
- END DATE: Last date the user can use the project.
- PROJECT ALLOWED SERVICE GROUPS/ INSTRUMENTS section: Depending on the need, set either of the following;
- Check the checkbox Allow this project to be used across all cores and instruments. The default setting for projects in Unit4 is this.
- If the project is to be used only for specific cores or services/instruments, they must be added.
- Uncheck the checkbox Allow this project to be used across all cores and instruments.
- In the ADD SERVICE GROUPS/ INSTRUMENTS subsection, select either;
- ADD SPECIFIC INSTRUMENTS and select instruments/services from the list in the SERVICE field.
- ADD CORES and select cores from the list in the SERVICE field. Turn off the ADD A ROW PER EACH INSTRUMENTS/ASSET toggle.
- Click the Add button.
Set status to BDM to approve and submit
- When all information is filled in, change the Status field to BDM to approve. A modal window will immediately appear asking you to write a comment to be sent to the BDM.
- Write a comment to BDM.
- Click the Submit button.
BDM approves or rejects the project
BDM receives a notification via email with links to directly approve or reject the project, as well as to the editing page for the project. When BDM clicks on one of the links, the login page for BookitLab will appear. After logging in, the following will happen, depending on which link was clicked on:
- Reject/Approve: The project will be automatically approved/rejected.
- Click Here (followed by "to see the full details of this project"): The Edit Project page opens with buttons at the bottom right where you can click on Reject or Approve.
By clicking on one of these, a modal window appears where BDM can write a comment about the decision.
When you click on Submit in the modal window, the project will be approved/rejected.
B: Short-term contract project from an external customer (pure sale)
Creating a new project
In BookitLab, on the Add New Project page, click the Continue button next to CREATE FROM SCRATCH.
Fill in mandatory fields 
- Billing Type: select External.
- Project Name: Must be under 25 characters. This will be displayed in the "Deres ref." (meaning "Your reference") field in the sales order in Unit4.
- Org Unit: Enter the customer's name as registered in Unit4. If the customer is not listed, send the following information registered in Unit4 to bookitlab-hjelp@usit.uio.no and ask them to create a new org unit:
- Organization name
- Customer number registered in Unit4
- Project Coordinator: Core admin responsible for contact with the external customer.
- Project Category: select Oppdrag.
- Invoicing Remarks: Must be under 25 characters. This will be displayed in the "Bsetillingsnr./ref" (meaning "Order number/ref") field in the sales order in Unit4.
- Status: select Draft.
- (if required) Project Amount: Amount agreed between the customer and the core admin.
- Technically, this field can be empty as money is not transferred automatically within Unit4.
- It is up to each department/faculty to decide whether this field must be filled in or not.
- Click the Submit button. This will bring up a section where users can be added.
- After this step, the Project Coordinator (= core admin) can take over.
- If the core admin needs to take over to fill in other information including users, the core admin must search for the project by removing the filter Active: Yes on the Projects page.
- PROJECT ALLOWED USERS section: Set users associated with the project.
- In the ADD NEW MEMBER subsection, select ADD SPECIFIC USER/S.
- Fill in the SELECT AN EXISTING BOOKITLAB USER field with the username.
- Click the Add button.
- If required, set the following fields for each user:
- USER LIMIT: spending limit for that user
- END DATE: Last date the user can utilize the project.
- PROJECT ALLOWED SERVICE GROUPS/INSTRUMENTS section: Set the cores (or specific instruments/services) that this project is agreed to use.
- Uncheck the checkbox Allow this project to be used across all cores and instruments.
- In the ADD SERVICE GROUPS/INSTRUMENTS subsection, select whichever suits the need best:
- ADD SPECIFIC INSTRUMENTS and select instruments/services from the list in the SERVICE field.
- ADD CORES and select cores from the list in the SERVICE field. Make sure turning off the ADD A ROW PER EACH INSTRUMENT/ASSET toggle.
- Click the Add button.
Activate the project
Once all mandatory fields are filled in, change the Active field to Yes.
C: Dummy Project with Zero Budget
When is a “dummy” project needed?
Dummy projects are used mainly to give access to a Subscription free of charge for;
- certain user groups who do not need to pay for use of specific instruments/cores, including lab staff, master's students, etc.,
- users who have already paid an annual fee or similar and do not need to pay anymore, and
- keeping track of how many hours different groups (of users who do not need to pay) have used instruments/cores.
Creating a new project
In BookitLab, on the Add New Project page, click the Continue button next to CREATE FROM SCRATCH.
Fill in mandatory fields
- Project Name: This must include "dummy" and some words specifying the purpose.
- Org unit: Select Regular users@uio.no unless specified by the core admin.
- Project Category: Select Intern.
- Project coordinator: Select the core admin responsible for this dummy project.
- Billing Type: Select Internal. Be aware that this project should not be billed.
- Status: Select Draft.
- Project Amount: Set 0.1.
- Because this project has no budget and is only used by those who can use instruments free of charge, the Project Amount must be set to 0.1 to avoid risk of it being used for other services that actually cost. At the same time, the Hard Limit must be set to 100%.
- Nevertheless, it is possible to book/order something that costs for the first time, and it is important that users take care to ensure that the dummy project is not used for anything that incurs costs.
- Click the Submit button. This will bring up a section where users can be added.
- After this step, the Project Coordinator (= core admin) can take over.
- If the core admin needs to take over to fill in other information including users, the core admin must search for the project by removing the filter Active: Yes on the Projects page.
- PROJECT ALLOWED USERS section: Set users associated with the project.
- In the ADD NEW MEMBER subsection, select ADD SPECIFIC USER/S.
- Fill in the SELECT AN EXISTING BOOKITLAB USER field with the user.
- Click the Add button.
- If necessary, set the END DATE field for each user.
- PROJECT ALLOWED SERVICE GROUPS/ INSTRUMENTS section: Set the core (or specific instruments/services) that this project is agreed to use.
- Uncheck the checkbox Allow this project to be used across all cores and instruments.
- In the ADD SERVICE GROUPS/ INSTRUMENTS subsection, select whichever suits the need best:
- ADD SPECIFIC INSTRUMENTS and select instruments/services from the list in the SERVICE field.
- ADD CORES and select cores from the list in the SERVICE field. Make sure turning off the ADD A ROW PER EACH INSTRUMENT/ASSET toggle.
- Click the Add button.
Activate the project
When all mandatory fields are filled in, change the Active field to Yes.