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Nettskjema storing data in Educloud

You can activate a form to store data in an Educloud project. This also applies to the Nettskjema-diktafon mobile app.

Documentation for:

This manual assumes you already have an Educloud-user and access to make forms in Nettskjema. Please note that access to Nettskjema is not included in the basic package of Educloud. This means that users of Educloud do not automatically have access to Nettskjema and must therefore have external access in order to use the Nettskjema service.

Connect a form to Educloud

1. Under "Create new form" choose "Questionnaire for sensitive data" or "Nettskjema-diktafon - storage in TSD and Educloud" which pops up after choosing "Get form from template (Consent form, dictaphone etc.)".

2. Finish the form and choose "connect to Educloud". You will be prompted for your username, password and one-time code.

3. Go to the "Educloud" tab in your Nettskjema to set the read permissions for the delivered data. By default all members of a project will have read access to the data, but you can change this in a way that only you and the admin-group can see and modify the delivered data for example.

Reading data in Educloud

In your Educloud project go to your browser and go to the following address:

Here you log in with your Educloud user and get the option to see, obtain or change  data.


This demo shows how to set up the nettskjema-diktafon mobile app with Educloud and activate a Nettsjkema. The video is 15 minutes long and you can choose norwegian or english subtitles for it. 

Published May 27, 2023 2:33 PM - Last modified Apr. 29, 2024 1:26 PM