The Metadata Manager tool is developed at UiO for researchers, to help you keep track of and manage your research data. The service scans through your data and collects all available metadata. This includes both information about the content of the files, as well as technical information about the files themselves. This will make it easier for you to
- monitor and keep track of your data
- filter data
- explore data
- create subsets of data from your projects based on any criteria you decide
- export metadata
- share metadata and make it discoverable for anyone in the world
You can order the service through the Educloud portal. This is also where you can work with your metadata. You can give your collaborators access to your metadata, by giving them access to your Educloud project.
The Metadata manager also helps you make your data FAIR, by letting you share your metadata, if and when you choose to do so. It will not share your research data, just the metadata.