About the statistics servers

In order to achieve a stable and accessible service, the statistics software is distributed over several servers. This is a central service for users who need to run statistical analyses on a different computer than their own, or who simply need access to software they have not installed on their own machine.

This is a basic service to help students and researchers get started with their analysis. It is not meant as a high performance computing service for heavy and resource intensive computations. The servers have many users and at times the load on the servers is heavy. If you need to run more resource intensive computations we recommend alternative solutions, such as using Fox on Educloud.

The software installed on the servers is chosen based on the the number of users. General software used across multiple disciplines is prioritised, e.g. SPSS, Stata, R, NVivo and MATLAB.

The statistics servers have scheduled downtime once a week, due to updates and maintenance. This usually happens overnight from Saturday to Sunday. No jobs should be run at this time, as updates usually require rebooting the servers. 

If you start a job on the servers and disconnect (without logging out), you will remain logged in for 24 hours. After that you will be logged out automatically, and any jobs you have running will be shut down. If you wish to keep jobs running for longer, you need to log in again before 24 hours has passed. If you are logged in but are not running any jobs, or using any resources, you will remain logged in for three days, after which you will be disconnected (but still logged in), and finally logged out after another 24 hours. 

Published Aug. 26, 2022 12:49 PM - Last modified Aug. 29, 2022 11:02 AM