Norwegian version of this page

Guest users

Guests who visit UiO for a short period of time, can gain access to some of our IT services by being given a temporary account, a guest user. Contact local IT to get one.

How do I get a guest user?

If you need temporary access to the UiO IT services or want to give one of your guests access, contact local IT. They will create a user name and password that will be available immediately.

If you only need to get online, connect to "uioguest" and receive a password on your phone. Read more about it in the guest network guide (in Norwegian).

Please note that a guest user account can only be used for max 28 days. After this period, the account will be automatically suspended and everything stored on the home disk will be deleted. It is therefore important that a guest users home disk is not used for storing important files and documents.

What is a guest user account?

Guest users at UiO will receive a username in the form of guestNNN and gjestNNN, where the NNN is a number from 001 to 999.

Facts about guest user accounts:

  • only lasts for a given period of time, max 28 days. This period of time can not be extended.
  • will be automatically suspended and the home disk deleted after the end of the period
  • guest user names are reused after an account is suspended
  • does not give you access to a UiO e-mail account
  • cannot be used to log in through Feide (Norwegian)
  • does not give you access to the UiO printer system.

Guest user or ordinary user?

Guest users are temporary. If your guest is staying at UiO for a longer period of time, or will be back regularily, consider giving your guest an ordinary user account instead. To do this you must contact your local human resources department who has to apply for guest access to UiO's IT systems. When the guest is registered, local IT can requisition a ordinary user account for your guest.

Published July 5, 2018 11:05 AM - Last modified Apr. 1, 2022 1:05 PM