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Add services and passwords to Enpass

The guide shows you how to enter login information for a service in Enpass (username, password and two-factor authentication).

Enpass strength is how you can easily create unique passwords with its code generator for each service you register in the tool.

To enter your username and password at UiO in Enpass, go to Add Item (plus sign).

Skjermbilde: Legg til p?loggingsinformasjon for tjeneste i Enpass

From the menu, select Login.

Skjermbilde: Enpass - Velg Login-tjeneste

Choose the template Default to register your login information at UiO.

Skjermbilde: Enpass - Velg malen Default for Login

The entry can be called UiO, so you can easily find your way back to the registration. In the Username, E-mail and Password fields, enter your username at UiO, your e-mail address and your password. Finish by clicking Save.

Skjermbilde: Enpass - Registrer din p?loggingsinformasjon ved UiO

The password generator in Enpass

If you need a new password for a service, click the Generate button. The code generator in Enpass appears and you get a few choices:

  • The password must be pronounceable ?
  • Should the password contain letters in uppercase?
  • Should the password contain digits?
  • How to break down the password (Separated By)?

Skjermbilde: Enpass - passordgenerator

Note! By using the password generator, you ensure that you use unique passwords for each service you register in Enpass. This makes you less prone to data loss should a password go astray.

Compromised passwords

In the main window of Enpass, you get an overview of the login information stored in the tool, such as compromised passwords, passwords that have been used multiple times (identical), passwords that are too weak, and passwords that have expired.

Skjermbilde: Enpass - oversiktsbilde, kompromitterte passord

Enpass checks stored passwords against the service haveibeenpwned.

Two-factor authentication with Enpass

In addition to the username and password, two-factor authentication for services that support it can be entered with its Secret key.

Skjermbilde av MS365 og dens hemmelige n?kkel

The service's secret key is entered in Enpass in the field One-time code. Finish with Save.

Skjermbilde: Enpass - One-time code

The entry will now show one-time codes continuously for the service. The one-time code is renewed every 30 seconds.

Skjermbilde: Enpass - One-time code

Full guide on how to set up two-factor authentication for MS 365 at UiO.


Published Apr. 19, 2022 9:28 AM - Last modified Apr. 20, 2022 1:52 PM