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Integrate Panopto recordings in Timeplan

This feature still requires that the course is set up in Canvas in advance

From the courses Schedule you may add a link to a Panopto recording to a specific lecture. This will allow your students to find the recording in Schedule and the My Studies app. The recording will have the same viewing restrictions as they have in Canvas/Panopto. By default this is set to only your students for that specific semester.

Schedule with a recording added to a lecture

How to add a Panopto recording to Schedule

  1. Navigate to Schedule for the course and semester you wish to link the recording to.
  2. Make sure you're logged in
    • To log in you may scroll to the bottom right of the page and click on Log in.
      If it says Manage document, you are already logged in. 
  3. Move your mouse cursor to the lecture/session you wish to add a recording to. Then click on the Edit button.

Schedule with the edit button visible

  1. When you click on the button you will be sent to TP, you may be required to sign into FEIDE, sign in as normal.
  2. You will now be shown the lecture in TP. Here you are able to click on the button at the bottom that is called Knytt til Panopto-opptak.

TP: Knappen Knytt til Panopto-opptak markert

  1. The button will open a window with all Panopto recording for that course and semester. Check all the recordings you wish to link for the given lecture before clicking on Bruk.
    • You may select mulitple videoes. For example, if you have a part 1 and 2 of a given lecture.

TP: Liste over Panopto-opptak med "Koble til"-kolonnen markert

  1. Click on Save to add the link to the recording. The recording will now be linked up in Schedule, and your students may click the link to be sent to Panopto to watch the video.
Published Nov. 29, 2022 8:40 AM - Last modified Nov. 29, 2022 8:40 AM