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First time Canvas Setup in Panopto for lecturers

When you set up Panopto in Canvas, you get a folder structure with student access.

Ensure that Panopto is set up correctly with folders and access by adding it to the navigation menu within Canvas. A video folder is added in Panopto which is available from the navigation menu in Canvas. Lecturers and administrators get access to make videos, while students get access to watch them.

Panopto can be removed from the Canvas navigation menu after being added at least once per course.

Add Panopto Recordings to a Page in Canvas

You can embed Panopto recordings in module pages in Canvas. Students can then watch the video directly from the page. This may be useful for a lecture page in Canvas, including a video within a test, or any page in Canvas you want to show a video.

See Panopto's guide to embedding videos in Canvas.

Panopto without Canvas

You can share videos manually from My folder in Panopto, but this requires a demanding setup. Read more about managing and sharing folders in Panopto here.

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Published Aug. 13, 2022 8:33 PM - Last modified Sep. 12, 2022 8:52 AM