

Time and place: , Historical Museum

Join a guided tour of the Historical Museum's Viking exhibition and become acquainted with Viking war culture, their journeys, and how society changed during the Viking era.

Time and place: , Prinsens gate 26

Join us for a guided tour of the Norwegian Parliament!

Time and place: , Georg Sverdrups hus: Sverdrup spiseri

Bring a dish or snack from your home country to share, and get a taste of different cuisines from around the world!

Time and place: , Litteratursalongen, Georg Sverdrups hus

Do you want to learn and practice languages while getting to know people from around the world? Come to the language café then!

Time and place: , Prinsens gate 26

Join us for a guided tour of the Norwegian Parliament!

Time and place: , Historical Museum

Join a guided tour of the Historical Museum's Viking exhibition and become acquainted with Viking war culture, their journeys, and how society changed during the Viking era.

Time and place: , Litteratursalongen, Georg Sverdrups hus

Do you want to learn and practice languages while getting to know people from around the world? Come to the language café then!

Time and place: , Litteratursalongen, Georg Sverdrups hus

Do you want to learn and practice languages while getting to know people from around the world? Come to the language café then!

Time and place: , Sverdrup eatery, Georg Sverdrups hus

Do you want to learn and practice languages while getting to know people from around the world? Come to the language café then!

Time and place: , Litteratursalongen, Georg Sverdrups hus

Do you want to learn and practice languages while getting to know people from around the world? Come to the language café then!


Time and place: , Litteratursalongen, Georg Sverdrups hus

Do you want to learn and practice languages while getting to know people from around the world? Come to the language café then!

Time and place: , Aker Brygge Info Point

Join us on an excursion to Hoved?ya in the Oslofjord!

Time and place: , Litteratursalongen, Georg Sverdrups hus

Do you want to learn and practice languages while getting to know people from around the world? Come to the language café then!

Time and place: , Around Oslo

Get to know Oslo through Studentslippet! Enjoy fun activities all over the city - for free! 

Time and place: , Georg Morgenstiernes house

How do you use the library? And how can you study as effective as possible? In Ready, set, UiO!, you participate in talks about study technique, motivation, university services and tools.

Time and place: , Seminarrom 301, Harriet Holters hus

Karrieresenteret ved UiO f?lger r?d om at arrangementer som strengt tatt ikke er n?dvendige n? skal avlyses eller utsettes. I den forbindelse vil vi i en periode avlyse alle v?re kurs og arrangementer, inkludert dette kurset. Dette gj?r vi som et forebyggende tiltak inntil andre r?d blir gitt. F?lg med p? v?re nettsider for oppdatert informasjon:

Time and place: , Seminar room 101, Harriet Holters hus, University of Oslo

You are invited to join us for a talk with Steve Waddell on deep and systemic transformations. Starting out from the example of changing approaches to marriage equality in the US, the aim of the seminar is to advance the development of the concept of “transformations systems” and to initiate a discussion about possible collaborative actions in this inter-disciplinary, action-oriented research work.

Time and place: , Undervisningsrom 1, Georg Sverdrups Hus, University of Oslo

In this Climate and Society Forum, we would like to talk about change. Is the solution to climate change about “changing people” or is it about activating people as agents of change? What’s the difference and why is it important? What’s your experience?

Time and place: , Harriet Holters hus, staff area 3rd floor

Join the academic staff and your fellow students for lunch. Remember to bring your own lunch, coffee and tea will be provided.

Time and place: , Room 221 (the board room), Harriet Holters hus

Solution oriented research, spatial tranfer of (socio-technical) innovations and energy transitions in the Global South. Findings from the Solar Transitions and Solar xChange projects.

Time and place: , Auditorium 5, Eilert Sundts hus

We are pleased to invite you to the next Cities & Society seminar.

Kurt Iveson, Associate Professor of Urban Geography at the University of Sydney, will present Crowds, clouds and ‘accumulation by datafication’: further adventures in the commodification of everyday urban life.

Plus panel discussion: See below for details

Time and place: , Seminar room 201, Harriet Holters hus, Blindern, University of Oslo

Join Professor Hilary Bradbury for a participatory symposium on revitalizing knowledge creation

Time and place: , Auditorium 4, Eilert Sundts hus

We are pleased to invite you to this Cities & Society seminar.

H?vard Haarstad, Professor of human geography and Director for the Centre for Climate and Energy Transformation at the University of Bergen will present "Urban sustainability and the problem of the built environment: reworking Forus Industrial Park"

Time and place: , Auditorium 5, Eilert Sundts hus

We are pleased to invite you to the next event of the Cities & Society seminar series on Thursday, week 46.

Professor Brett Christophers of the Department of Social and Economic Geography, Uppsala University, will present "Putting financialisation in its financial context: transformations in local government-led urban development in post-financial crisis England"