Programme structure
This programme option is now a separate master's programme in Informatics: Information Security. However, you may also be able to take courses within information security as part of a Master's degree in Informatics: Programming and System Architecture:
Old structure for students admitted to this programme option in 2018 and 2019
The programme option has no mandatory courses. The courses are chosen in consultion with your contact person/supervisor based on your background, interests and given the theme of the Master's thesis. The courses are a total of either 60 or 90 ECTS credits, depending on the extent of your thesis.
If you choose this programme option, it is recommended that you have passed an introductory course in information security, for example INF3510 – Information security (continued) / IN2120 – Information Security or an equivalent course.
Master students in cybersecurity get supervision and write their Master thesis at IFI or at a partner university in France (?cole Polytechnique and ENSICAEN) or Germany (TU-Darmstadt) through P4C (Partnership for Cybersecurity).
Strongly recommended courses
Recommended courses:
- IN5130 – Unassailable IT-systems
- IN5540 – Privacy by Design
- IN5140 – Smart processes and agile methods in software engineering
- IN5430 – IT and Management (continued)
- IN5420 – Distribuerte blockchains-teknologier
- TEK4500 – Introduction to Cryptography
- TEK5510 – Security in Operating Systems and Software
- TEK5520 – Cyber Security of Industrial Systems
- TEK5500 – Security in distributed systems (discontinued)
- TEK5550 – Advanced Topics in Cryptology
List of all courses offered at the Department of Informatics