After graduating you will have attained solid knowledge in physics, gained experience in applying analytical methods and programming, and usage of advanced software. These are required in the job market to an increasing degree. The knowledge and skills you possess are important in order to understand and analyze phenomena and processes in nature. They are also important in technology and economics.
After graduating as a Master of Physics many work tasks and career paths will be open. Some examples include research and development within the private and public sector, management and research administration, programming and development in the computer industry, medical physicists, in addition to teaching and imparting. Your opportunities are plentiful with a master’s degree in physics.
Some examples of employers of former graduates include: Det Norske Veritas (DNV-GL), Norwegian Institute for Air Research, Norwegian Defence Research Establishment, Norwegian Radiation Protection Authority, Norsk Hydro, Telenor, Norwegian Cancer Society, Norwegian Metrology Service, SINTEF, Accenture, Equinor, IBM, Institute for Energy Technology (IFE) and hospitals.
Interviews of previous students (in Norwegian)
Further study options
By completing a one-year programme in Practical Pedagogical Education (in Norwegian) you will qualify to work as a lecturer in schools.
You can find more information regarding each single study: