Programme structure

The study programme consists of 60 ECTS credits of theoretical curriculum and a master's thesis of 60 ECTS. Please see the programme for general structure and requirements.

The study programme has four specializations

  • Low energy quantum phenomenon
  • Structure physics
  • Disordered and complex systems
  • Semiconductor physics

Mandatory course

Low energy quantum phenomenon: recommended courses

Structure physics: recommended courses

Disordered and complex systems: recommended courses

It could also be useful with FYS4465 – Dynamics of Complex Media and FYS4420 – Experimental Techniques in Porous and Complex Systems

Semiconductor physics: recommended courses

Other relevant courses

There might also be other courses relevant for you. Please discuss options with either your supervisor or your contact person.

Study abroad

You can take parts of Your master abroad. We recommend study abroad in Your 2nd or 3rd semester. See more information regarding study abroad on the general programme webpage.

Published May 23, 2017 12:51 PM - Last modified Aug. 30, 2019 10:25 AM