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Andre arrangementer

Kommende 5 dager

24 feb.
Tid og sted: , Eilert Sundts Building, Auditorium 2

"Isaac Reed’s Power in Modernity is perhaps the most important social theory book published in a generation"

25 feb.
Tid og sted: , Eilert Sundts hus, auditorium 4

S?ndag 23. februar er det valg i Tyskland. Europeiske Studenter Oslo og Politisk Frokost inviterer til politisk frokost i etterkant av valget! 

Tid og sted: , 304

The research group Interreligious Studies and Islamic Theology cordially invites you to a seminar with Sami Al-Daghistani who is Associate Senior Lecturer (Associate Professor) in Contemporary Islamic Studies at Lund University.

Title: Economic and environmental issues in Islamic thought

26 feb.
Tid og sted: , Scene Domus Bibliotheca

Hva er bakgrunnen for konflikten mellom Israel og det palestinske folket, og hvordan kan palestinerne samle seg n??   

Flere kommende arrangementer

Tid og sted: , Helga Engs hus, Seminarrom U35

Mathias Grote will give a talk for the Science Studies Colloquium Series. Detailed content will be announced soon.

Tid og sted: , Helga Engs hus, Seminarrom U31

Paul Edwards (Stanford University) will give a talk for the Science Studies Colloquium Series.

Tid og sted: , Domus Medica, Auditorium 13

Biostatistical seminar with Emanuele Giorgi, Associate Professor in Biostatistics and Head of the Centre for Health Informatics, Computing, and Statistics (CHICAS), Lancaster University, UK.

Tid og sted: , Georg Sverdrups hus, Undervisningsrom 2

Sara Green (University of Copenhagen) will give a talk for the Science Studies Colloquium Series.

Tid og sted: , Legenes hus, Christiania Torv 5, Oslo

How to get your research published in the best journals? A two-day Course on Scientific Writing in Medicine 2025