Sara D'Amario

Bilde av Sara D'Amario
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Bes?ksadresse 亚博娱乐官网_亚博pt手机客户端登录sv. 3A Harald Schjelderups hus 0373 Oslo
Postadresse Postboks 1133 Blindern 0318 Oslo

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Se alle arbeider i Cristin

  • D'Amario, Sara; Ternstr?m, Sten & Friberg, Anders (2023). Proceedings of the Stockholm Music Acoustics Conference. KTH Royal Institute of Technology. ISBN 978-91-8040-865-3. 194 s.

Se alle arbeider i Cristin

  • Bishop, Laura & D'Amario, Sara (2024). Methods tracking four-hand piano performances .
  • D'Amario, Sara (2024). Cardiac coupling of orchestral musicians and audience members during orchestra performances.
  • D'Amario, Sara & Bishop, Laura (2024). Self-Reported Experiences of Musical Togetherness in Music Ensembles.

Se alle arbeider i Cristin

Publisert 4. okt. 2023 08:34 - Sist endret 4. okt. 2023 10:39
