Semester page for MEVIT4000 - Autumn 2011

Some students have asked if it is OK to submit more than five pages of project proposal. You may write longer, if it is spent on actual plans and decisions for the thesis work. Make certain that you don't write too much introduction. A good rule of thumb is that the research question should be at the first page.

And don't feel that you have to. Three pages can be enough.


Nov. 19, 2011 2:55 PM

Exam/Submission of master's thesis project description

The project descriptions are to be submitted in Fronter

Deadline is Thursday 24. November at 14:00.

You'll find your candidat number i StudentWeb.

Here is a step-by-step description of how you submit your document

General informastion regarding exams at IMK

Please remember to give your document your canidate number as title (xxxxxx.pdf).

Good luck!

Nov. 18, 2011 10:40 AM

The library courses will be held in "Grupperom 9", Georg Sverdrups hus. One flight of stairs up from the coffee bar. (Opposite from the part of the building with all the books)

Nov. 15, 2011 3:57 PM