
Published Sep. 16, 2005 3:12 PM

Please find the evaluation form (left side). Please fill in the form and put it into Gro Lindstad's shelf at the NCHR before Thursday 22 September at 12:00.

Published June 16, 2005 3:34 PM

The results for the exam will be posted on 21 June. You may find your result in the StudentWeb from 16:00; log on with your username and password.

You may contact Mr. Petter Wille in order to request the grounds for your result. His telephone number is: 22 24 36 05. He will be available every day from 13:00

Published May 26, 2005 3:05 PM

Handouts from Marias lecture on May 6, are now posted on web (see opposite page - lecture notes)

Reminder: The review session will take place on Friday 27 May, 9:15-11, seminar room NCHR: If you have any questions related to the literature or the teaching (any kind of topic), you may submit them to Maria on beforehand.

Published May 16, 2005 7:03 PM
Published Apr. 28, 2005 2:00 AM

Case studies on 29 April 2005These are the cases that I listed in the last class and some of the old cases.

Case studies 2 (ML): Compendium of Cases Part 2:p. 41

Ocalan v. Turkey, ECHR, 12 March 2003 p. 43

Chahal v. the UK, ECHR, 15 Nov 1996.p. 57

Polay Campos v. Peru, Case No. 577/1994, views 6 Nov 1997 p. 58

Ocalan v. Turkey, ECHR, 12 March 2003. p. 71

Kim v. Republic of Korea, Case 574/94, Views 3 Nov 1998 p. 72

the United Communist party v. Turkey, ECHR, 30 Jan 1998 p. 75

Celepli v. Sweden, Case 456/1991, Views on 18 July 1994 p. 82

Chahal v. the UK, ECHR, 15 Nov 1996. p. 83

Soering v. the UK, ECHR, 7 July 1989 (read the parts which are referred to in the other cases)

As you see some of the cases are the same as last time, and one is actually the same as in Marius Emberland's lecture....

Published Apr. 27, 2005 2:00 AM

The examination rules and rules concerning auxiliary materials during the exam, are now posted on web (see opposite page)

Published Apr. 26, 2005 2:00 AM

Guest lecture at the Faculty of Law 28 April 2005 by Professor Rhoda Hassmann: "The Second Great Transformation: Human Rights Leapfrogging in the Era of Globalization". Auditorium 5, Domus Academica (Urbygningen, Karl Johans gate) 1415-16. Relevant literature: Rhoda E. Howard-Hassmann (2005) "The Second Great Transformation: Human Rights Leapfrogging in the Era of Globalization" Human Rights Quarterly Vol. 27 No. 1 pp. 1-40. NB: This lecture is not part of the HUMR4503 course.

Published Apr. 25, 2005 2:00 AM

Tuesday 26 April 2005, 10:15 -12:00, Auditorium 6 Domus Academica: Associate Professor Marius Emberland, NCHR: Protection of the private sphere when fighting terrorists: the view from the European Court of Human Rights:

Students are encouraged to read pp 184-210 in the Compendium of cases (part 1) previously distributed. However, the lecture will take form as a reading group where we read, discuss and contextualise central judgments of the European Court of Human Rights. Students are encouraged to familiarise themselves with the following cases (relevant excerpts will be distributed also in class; students are not required to read the cases on beforehand):

Klass and Others v. Germany, judgment 6 September 1978, Series A 28, in particular the judgments's paras. 48-60

Murray v. United Kingdom, judgment 28 October 1994, Series A 300-A, in particular paras. 47-95

Elci and Others v. Turkey, judgment 13 November 2003 (not...

Published Apr. 21, 2005 2:00 AM

Marius' lecture is now rescheduled to 3 May, 9:15-11, auditorium 5.

The material you need for Marius' lectures (26 April and 3 May) will be posted in a reasonable time prior to the lectures. I will give you further notice.

Published Apr. 20, 2005 2:00 AM

Marius Emberland will give a lecture on 3 May, at 16.15-18, auditorium 6, DA building (make-up class)

Published Apr. 20, 2005 2:00 AM

Case studies: lectures 7-9 (rescheduled April 22 and 29): Course requirements: you should have a general understanding of the case(s) as a whole. But a good understanding of those points made relevant in the literature and compilations. Due to time constraints, it is advisable that you work in groups in order to prepare for the lecture/case study sessions. It may also be advisable to make "case briefs".

Danilo Turks lecture (lecture 4) is rescheduled to Saturday 7 May. Time and place to be confirmed. An open seminar is also arranged the same day. Please submit to Maria topics/ questions of interest to you.

Published Apr. 19, 2005 2:00 AM

Readings for Friday, 21 April, 2005:

In your compendium of cases part 2: Cases:

  • At p.34 Chahal vs. the UK, ECHR, 15 Nov 1996
  • At p.37 Polay Campos vs. Peru, Case No. 577/1994, Views on 6 Nov 1997
  • At p. 37 Ocalan vs. Turkey, ECHR, 12 March 2003

Published Apr. 18, 2005 2:00 AM

The lecture today 18 April with Danilo Turk is cancelled. The lecture is postponed until last week in May (May 23-27).

The case-studies lecture on April 19 is cancelled and postponed until Friday 22 April from 10.15-12 and 14-16, auditorium 6, DA. The case studies for Friday will be given out tomorrow.

Concerning the preparations/review session for the exams in week 21: If you have any questions related to the literature or the teaching (any kind of topic), you may submit them to Maria before May 20. Maria will then answer your questions the week after (week 21). Date to be confirmed.

The outlines of the past lectures will be posted on this webpage end of April.

Published Apr. 11, 2005 2:00 AM

NCHR invites you to a seminar by Professor Rhoda E Hassman on April 28, 14:15-16 in Auditorium 5, DA. Title of the seminar: Human Rights and Globalization. The seminar is open.

Published Apr. 1, 2005 2:00 AM

The lecture on Tuesday 5 April is cancelled.

Case studies - rescheduling: New time is set up for the case studies: 19 April, 9:15-12 (3 hours), auditorium 6, and 29 April, 10:15-13 (3 hours, auditorium 6. Maria will give out the cases one week prior to the case studies.

A guest lecturer, Mrs Rhoda Howard Hassmann, will give a seminar on the effects of globalization and the human rights on April, 28 (not confirmed). Exact title, time and place will be announced later.

Published Mar. 10, 2005 1:00 AM

Mr. Danilo Türk, Assistant Secretary General for Political Affairs of the UN, will give a lecture on the UN and Terrorism. on April 18. Time and place will come later.(The lecture proposed earlier on 14,17 or 18 March is cancelled).

Danilo Turk will also give an open seminar the same day (2 hours).

Published Feb. 24, 2005 1:00 AM

Professor Olav Mestad will give practical information about the 6-hours exams on Monday February 28th at 12:00 in Auditorium 14, Domus Bibliotheca. It is the same meeting that he held in September. You are all welcome! Feel free to ask questions!

Published Feb. 23, 2005 1:00 AM

The lecture on March 8 (10:15-12:00) is cancelled.

March 15: Lecture by Prof. Geir Ulfstein; "The Use of Force"

Mr. Danilo Türk, Assistant Secretary General for Political Affairs of the UN, will give a lecture on the UN and Terrorism. on 14 (16-18), 17 (16-18) OR 18 (10-12) March. Date and time will be decided shortly.

Lectures from 29 March - 26 April: Marius Emberland and Maria Lundberg: Case studies (topics to be specified). Preparation for seminars is required.

An updated course outline is now posted (opposite page)

Published Jan. 13, 2005 1:00 AM

All students should complete the contact information form (opposite page) and submit it to the instructor at the first class