Semester page for HUMR4503 - Spring 2005

Please find the evaluation form (left side). Please fill in the form and put it into Gro Lindstad's shelf at the NCHR before Thursday 22 September at 12:00.

Sep. 16, 2005 3:12 PM

The results for the exam will be posted on 21 June. You may find your result in the StudentWeb from 16:00; log on with your username and password.

You may contact Mr. Petter Wille in order to request the grounds for your result. His telephone number is: 22 24 36 05. He will be available every day from 13:00

June 16, 2005 3:34 PM

Handouts from Marias lecture on May 6, are now posted on web (see opposite page - lecture notes)

Reminder: The review session will take place on Friday 27 May, 9:15-11, seminar room NCHR: If you have any questions related to the literature or the teaching (any kind of topic), you may submit them to Maria on beforehand.

May 26, 2005 3:05 PM