
Publisert 28. nov. 2011 13:26

Final exam for 2008

Publisert 23. nov. 2011 14:08

Final exam for 2010 and 2009 Will be open for discussion on Tuesday November 29. Exams for 2008 will follow soon.

Publisert 21. nov. 2011 12:13

We will finish up the exercises from last time (on spectroscopy and photometry) and look at the exercises for Polarimetry 1-4 found in the polarimetry lecture notes.

Publisert 10. nov. 2011 17:39

With the last Hinode lab session finished, the deadline for the report will be on November 24th. Corrected reports of the other labs can be collected from the tray marked as such in front of the "mailboxes" on the ground floor. Please read the additional notes on the Hinode lab and report, which can be found here

Publisert 6. nov. 2011 14:03

Results of the mid term exam are to be found here , this result will be weighted into the final grade of the course with a weight of 0.3.

Publisert 1. nov. 2011 13:27

Exercises for November 15 (may be moved): 1-5 in the photometry lecture notes. 1-8 in the spectroscopy lecture notes.

Publisert 31. okt. 2011 13:13

The CCD lab reports have now been corrected and you may collect yours in room 106 (or at the next lab session).

Publisert 31. okt. 2011 12:26

Lecture notes on photometry have now been completed.

Publisert 28. okt. 2011 18:09

The next lab session will be on Thursday November 3rd at 14:15 in seminarrom 304. We will start on the Hinode lab . As we will be working with IDL from the start in this lab, remember to bring your own laptop!

Publisert 20. okt. 2011 16:09

Exercises for Tuesday October 25: On celestial co-ordinates lecture notes 2 do exercise 1,2,4,5. In addition take a look at exercise set 1 (a-e) of the mid term exam for 2009 and question nr 1 on the mid term for 2008.

Publisert 14. okt. 2011 18:50

Reports may be handed in either as a printed version during one of the lab sessions or as a PDF by e-mail. See also the Notes on the reports for more info (including e-mail address).

Publisert 5. okt. 2011 15:55

Mid term exams for 2008 og 2009. Note that these have been translated from Norwegian very rapidly, but you should get the general idea... NB the emphasis on celestial co-ordinates and aberrations in these sets is probably a bit heavy compared to the mid term this year.

Publisert 17. sep. 2011 13:28

Exercises to be completed during the week 19-23/9: Exercise 1-6 in lecture notes number 5 on Diffraction. Exercise 1-3 in lecture notes 6 on Telescopes for visible light. Exercise 1-5 in lecture notes 7 on Diffraction II. NB The lecture notes have been updated, so please look at the latest version!

Publisert 31. aug. 2011 11:07

Exercises that will be discussed in class, either on Monday September 5 or Wednesday September 7:

  • In the "Detector" class notes depletion of a n-p junction is discussed. Derive the expressions for the width (positions) of the depletion region, x[sub:p] and x[sub:n], as a function of the applied voltage V[sub:ref] given in equation 24 and 25.
  • In the "Fourier analysis" class notes complete exercidse 1 through 5.

Publisert 24. aug. 2011 17:04

Two important things!

  • Could all students send me, Viggo Hansteen , their username on the computer system (we need to set you up as having the right to log onto our local computer system in order to run IDL
  • Could all students who are coming along to La Palma confirm this by sending me, Viggo Hansteen their passport number (and nationality)
As soon as you can manage please!

Publisert 22. aug. 2011 15:33

Lesesalsplasser/Place to study?

Lyst p? lesesalsplass? Det er ledige bachelorplasser i Stjernekjeller'n! Se astro sidene (under '亚博娱乐官网_亚博pt手机客户端登录' og 'Lesesalsplass') for s?knadsskjema, tildelingsreglement og annen informasjon fra Astrofysisk Fagutvalg. Fristen for ? s?ke er FREDAG 2.SEPTEMBER. Husk ogs? generalforsamlingen torsdag 8. sep., kl. 16:30 (gratis pizza!)

Need a place to study? There are available spots for bachelors' students in the basement study room. Go to the astro pages ('亚博娱乐官网_亚博pt手机客户端登录' and 'Lesesalsplass') for application form, regulations of assignment and other information from the Astrophysics Students' Council. Deadline for applications is FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 2nd. Remember also the student council's general assembly on thursday sep.8th, at 4.30 pm (free pizza!)