Dato | Undervises av | Sted | Tema | Kommentarer / ressurser |
16.01.2007 | Kaare Aksnes? | 209? | Spherical astronomy? | Chapter 1 + compendium? |
17.01.2007 | Kaare Aksnes? | 209? | Spherical astronomy and celestial mechanics? | Chapter 1 + compendium? |
23.01.2007 | Kaare Aksnes? | 209? | Spherical astronomy and celestial mechanics? | Chapter 1 + compendium? |
24.01.2007 | Kaare Aksnes? | 209? | Spherical astronomy and celestial mechanics? | Chapter 1 & 2 & compendium? |
25.01.2007 | Kaare Aksnes? | 304? | Spherical astronomy and celestial mechanics ? | Chapter 1 + chapter 2 + compendium? |
30.01.2007 | Per B. Lilje? | 209? | Astronomical distances and magnitudes ? | Chapter 3? |
31.01.2007 | Per B. Lilje? | 209? | Electromagnetic radiation? | Chapter 3? |
01.02.2007 | Jan-Erik Ovaldsen? | 304? | Exercises? | 3.2, 3.3, 3.4 and 3.7 (3.6 in edition 1 of the textbook)? |
06.02.2007 | Kaare Aksnes? | 209? | Spherical astronomy and celestial mechanics? | Chapter 1 + chapter 2 + compendium? |
07.02.2007 | Kaare Aksnes? | 209? | Spherical astronomy and celestial mechanics? | Chapter 1 + chapter 2 + compendium? |
08.02.2007 | Kaare Aksnes? | 304? | Spherical astronomy and celestial mechanics? | Chapter 1 + chapter 2 + compendium? |
13.02.2007 | Per B. Lilje? | 209? | Electromagnetic radiation? | Chapters 3.4, 3.5, 3.6. We will also have a brief start on special relativity (chapter 4 + compendium).? |
14.02.2007 | Per B. Lilje? | 209? | Special relativity? | I will mainly follow the compendium? |
15.02.2007 | Jan-Erik Ovaldsen? | 304? | Exercises? | 3.13 (3.11 in the old book), 3.15 (3.13 in the old book), 3.19 (3.17 in the old book). Do also midterm exam 2005, exercise 3 and midterm exam 2006, exercise 2 (see links on the front page).? |
20.02.2007 | Per B. Lilje? | 209? | Special relativity? | Chapter 4 + compendium (mainly the compendium)? |
21.02.2007 | Per B. Lilje? | 209? | Special relativity? | Chapter 4 + compendium (mainly the compendium) ? |
22.02.2007 | Jan-Erik Ovaldsen? | 304? | Exercises? | Do both exercises here (the second has no relativity, only geometry): Press hereAlso do exercise 3 in midterm exam 2006 (I don't have an English version of the text, if you don't understand it, come by my office, 403).? |
27.02.2007 | Per B. Lilje? | 209? | Special relativity? | Chapter 4 + compendium (mainly the compendium)? |
28.02.2007 | Per B. Lilje? | 209? | Relativity theory? | Chapter 4 + compendium (mainly the compendium), may start on chapter 17 (16 in 1st edition of the book).? |
01.03.2007 | Jan-Erik Ovaldsen? | 304? | Exercises? | 1) Finish any remaining exercises from last week, 2) Do exercise 1 here ; 3) Final exam 2005, exercise 1. ? |
06.03.2007 | Per B. Lilje? | 209? | General relativity? | Chapter 17.1-17.2 (16.1-16.2 in first edition of the book)? |
07.03.2007 | Per B. Lilje? | 209? | General relativity? | Chapter 17.1-17.2 (16.1-16.2 in first edition of the book) ? |
08.03.2007 | Jan-Erik Ovaldsen? | 304? | Exercises? | 1) Do exercise 2 in the booklet downloadable under 01.03.2007. 2) Final exam 2004, exercise 1.? |
13.03.2007 | Per B. Lilje? | 209? | Black holes? | Chapter 17.3 (16.3 in 1st edition)? |
14.03.2007 | Per B. Lilje? | 209? | Black holes? | Chapter 17.3 (16.3 in 1st edition) ? |
15.03.2007 | Jan-Erik Ovaldsen? | 304? | Exercises? | Exercises 17.3, 17.5, 17.6 (16.3, 16.5 and 16.6 in 1st edition)? |
20.03.2007 | Per B. Lilje? | 209? | Tidal forces? | Chapter 19.1-19.2 (1.1-18.2 in 1st edition)? |
21.03.2007 | Per B. Lilje? | 209? | The physics of atmospheres? | Chapter 19.3 (18.3 in 1st edition).? |
22.03.2007 | Jan-Erik Ovaldsen? | 304? | Exercises? | Exercises 17.12, 17.13, 17.14 (starting with 16 in 1st edition), 17.22 (is not in 1st edition).? |
26.03.2007 | ? | ? | Midterm exam ? | This exam of 3 hour duration (13.30 - 16.30) will count 30% of the final grade. It is compulsory to meet! You MUST bring ID. Allowed material is: ?grim & Lian: St?rrelser og enheter i fysikk og teknikk, Rottmann: Matematisk formelsamling, calculator, two A4 pages (can be written on both sides) with your own notes.? |
27.03.2007 | No teaching? | ? | ? | Midterm exam week? |
28.03.2007 | No teaching? | ? | ? | Midterm exam week? |
29.03.2007 | No teaching? | ? | ? | Midterm exam week? |
10.04.2007 | Per B. Lilje? | 209? | The physics of atmospheres? | Chapter 19.3 (18.3 in 1st edition). ? |
11.04.2007 | Per B. Lilje? | 209? | The Milky Way galaxy? | Chapter 24.1 - 24.2? |
12.04.2007 | Jan-Erik Ovaldsen? | 304? | Exercises? | Exercises 19.8 (18.7), 19.14 (18.13), 20.3 (19.3) (Numbers in () are referring to the first edition of the textbook)? |
17.04.2007 | Per B. Lilje? | 209? | Morphology and kinematics of the Milky Way? | Chapter 24 (page 881-899, 908-914)? |
18.04.2007 | Per B. Lilje? | 209? | Dark matter, Centre of the Galaxy? | Chapter 24 (page 914-932)? |
19.04.2007 | Jan-Erik Ovaldsen? | 304? | Exercises? | 24.2 (22.2), 24.3 (22.3), 24.18 (22.17), 24.19 (22.18) (Numbers in () are referring to the first edition of the textbook) ? |
24.04.2007 | Per B. Lilje? | 209? | Galaxies? | Chapter 25, page 940-968.Compulsory project exercise report MUST be delivered? |
25.04.2007 | No teaching? | 209? | Cancelled? | Per has to attend a committee meeting on La Palma, Canary Islands? |
26.04.2007 | Yourselves? | 304? | Exercises? | 24.21, 24.28, 24.31, 25.3. There will be no teacher during this colloquium, you should work together!? |
01.05.2007 | No teaching? | ? | ? | Holiday? |
02.05.2007 | Per B. Lilje? | 209? | Elliptical galaxies? | Chapter 25, page 983-993.? |
03.05.2007 | Jan-Erik Ovaldsen? | 304? | Exercises? | Exercises 25.8, 25.17, 25.20, 26.1.? |
08.05.2007 | Per B. Lilje? | 209? | Galactic evolution, Structure of the Universe? | Chapter 26, page 999-1004, 1016-1018, 1030-1032. Chapter 27, page 1038-1051.? |
09.05.2007 | Per B. Lilje? | 209? | Structure of the Universe? | Chapter 27, page 1052-1080.? |
10.05.2007 | Jan-Erik Ovaldsen? | 304? | Exercises? | Exercises 26.16 (24.19), 27.2 (25.2), 27.16 (25.16). Here numbers in () refer to 1st edition of the book.? |
15.05.2007 | Per B. Lilje? | 209? | Active galaxies? | Chapter 28. The lecture will mainly be on gravitational lensing, pages 1130-1136, the rest on the chapter you should read on your own.? |
16.05.2007 | Per B. Lilje? | 209? | Cosmology? | Chapter 29, page 1144-1162.? |
17.05.2007 | No teaching? | ? | ? | Holiday? |
22.05.2007 | Per B. Lilje? | 209? | Cosmology? | Chapter 29, page 1162-1199. ? |
23.05.2007 | Per B. Lilje? | 209? | Cosmology? | Chapter 29, page 1199-1218.? |
24.05.2007 | Jan-Erik Ovaldsen? | 304? | Exercises? | Final exam 2004, exercise 3; Final exam 2006, exercise 1.? |
29.05.2007 | Per B. Lilje? | 209? | Final question session!? | This is the last teaching in AST2110 before the final exam.? |
08.06.2007 | Yourself ? | ? | Final exam ? | Here you show that you are real astrophysicists. ? |
Publisert 8. jan. 2007 19:34
- Sist endret 4. mai 2007 19:43