
DatoUndervises avStedTemaKommentarer / ressurser
16.01.2007Kaare Aksnes? 209? Spherical astronomy? Chapter 1 + compendium?
17.01.2007Kaare Aksnes? 209? Spherical astronomy and celestial mechanics? Chapter 1 + compendium?
23.01.2007Kaare Aksnes? 209? Spherical astronomy and celestial mechanics? Chapter 1 + compendium?
24.01.2007Kaare Aksnes? 209? Spherical astronomy and celestial mechanics? Chapter 1 & 2 & compendium?
25.01.2007Kaare Aksnes? 304? Spherical astronomy and celestial mechanics ? Chapter 1 + chapter 2 + compendium?
30.01.2007Per B. Lilje? 209? Astronomical distances and magnitudes ? Chapter 3?
31.01.2007Per B. Lilje? 209? Electromagnetic radiation? Chapter 3?
01.02.2007Jan-Erik Ovaldsen? 304? Exercises? 3.2, 3.3, 3.4 and 3.7 (3.6 in edition 1 of the textbook)?
06.02.2007Kaare Aksnes? 209? Spherical astronomy and celestial mechanics? Chapter 1 + chapter 2 + compendium?
07.02.2007Kaare Aksnes? 209? Spherical astronomy and celestial mechanics? Chapter 1 + chapter 2 + compendium?
08.02.2007Kaare Aksnes? 304? Spherical astronomy and celestial mechanics? Chapter 1 + chapter 2 + compendium?
13.02.2007Per B. Lilje? 209? Electromagnetic radiation? Chapters 3.4, 3.5, 3.6. We will also have a brief start on special relativity (chapter 4 + compendium).?
14.02.2007Per B. Lilje? 209? Special relativity? I will mainly follow the compendium?
15.02.2007Jan-Erik Ovaldsen? 304? Exercises? 3.13 (3.11 in the old book), 3.15 (3.13 in the old book), 3.19 (3.17 in the old book). Do also midterm exam 2005, exercise 3 and midterm exam 2006, exercise 2 (see links on the front page).?
20.02.2007Per B. Lilje? 209? Special relativity? Chapter 4 + compendium (mainly the compendium)?
21.02.2007Per B. Lilje? 209? Special relativity? Chapter 4 + compendium (mainly the compendium) ?
22.02.2007Jan-Erik Ovaldsen? 304? Exercises? Do both exercises here (the second has no relativity, only geometry): Press here

Also do exercise 3 in midterm exam 2006 (I don't have an English version of the text, if you don't understand it, come by my office, 403).?

27.02.2007Per B. Lilje? 209? Special relativity? Chapter 4 + compendium (mainly the compendium)?
28.02.2007Per B. Lilje? 209? Relativity theory? Chapter 4 + compendium (mainly the compendium), may start on chapter 17 (16 in 1st edition of the book).?
01.03.2007Jan-Erik Ovaldsen? 304? Exercises? 1) Finish any remaining exercises from last week, 2) Do exercise 1 here ; 3) Final exam 2005, exercise 1. ?
06.03.2007Per B. Lilje? 209? General relativity? Chapter 17.1-17.2 (16.1-16.2 in first edition of the book)?
07.03.2007Per B. Lilje? 209? General relativity? Chapter 17.1-17.2 (16.1-16.2 in first edition of the book) ?
08.03.2007Jan-Erik Ovaldsen? 304? Exercises? 1) Do exercise 2 in the booklet downloadable under 01.03.2007. 2) Final exam 2004, exercise 1.?
13.03.2007Per B. Lilje? 209? Black holes? Chapter 17.3 (16.3 in 1st edition)?
14.03.2007Per B. Lilje? 209? Black holes? Chapter 17.3 (16.3 in 1st edition) ?
15.03.2007Jan-Erik Ovaldsen? 304? Exercises? Exercises 17.3, 17.5, 17.6 (16.3, 16.5 and 16.6 in 1st edition)?
20.03.2007Per B. Lilje? 209? Tidal forces? Chapter 19.1-19.2 (1.1-18.2 in 1st edition)?
21.03.2007Per B. Lilje? 209? The physics of atmospheres? Chapter 19.3 (18.3 in 1st edition).?
22.03.2007Jan-Erik Ovaldsen? 304? Exercises? Exercises 17.12, 17.13, 17.14 (starting with 16 in 1st edition), 17.22 (is not in 1st edition).?
26.03.2007? ? Midterm exam ? This exam of 3 hour duration (13.30 - 16.30) will count 30% of the final grade. It is compulsory to meet! You MUST bring ID. Allowed material is: ?grim & Lian: St?rrelser og enheter i fysikk og teknikk, Rottmann: Matematisk formelsamling, calculator, two A4 pages (can be written on both sides) with your own notes.?
27.03.2007No teaching? ? ? Midterm exam week?
28.03.2007No teaching? ? ? Midterm exam week?
29.03.2007No teaching? ? ? Midterm exam week?
10.04.2007Per B. Lilje? 209? The physics of atmospheres? Chapter 19.3 (18.3 in 1st edition). ?
11.04.2007Per B. Lilje? 209? The Milky Way galaxy? Chapter 24.1 - 24.2?
12.04.2007Jan-Erik Ovaldsen? 304? Exercises? Exercises 19.8 (18.7), 19.14 (18.13), 20.3 (19.3) (Numbers in () are referring to the first edition of the textbook)?
17.04.2007Per B. Lilje? 209? Morphology and kinematics of the Milky Way? Chapter 24 (page 881-899, 908-914)?
18.04.2007Per B. Lilje? 209? Dark matter, Centre of the Galaxy? Chapter 24 (page 914-932)?
19.04.2007Jan-Erik Ovaldsen? 304? Exercises? 24.2 (22.2), 24.3 (22.3), 24.18 (22.17), 24.19 (22.18) (Numbers in () are referring to the first edition of the textbook) ?
24.04.2007Per B. Lilje? 209? Galaxies? Chapter 25, page 940-968.

Compulsory project exercise report MUST be delivered?

25.04.2007No teaching? 209? Cancelled? Per has to attend a committee meeting on La Palma, Canary Islands?
26.04.2007Yourselves? 304? Exercises? 24.21, 24.28, 24.31, 25.3. There will be no teacher during this colloquium, you should work together!?
01.05.2007No teaching? ? ? Holiday?
02.05.2007Per B. Lilje? 209? Elliptical galaxies? Chapter 25, page 983-993.?
03.05.2007Jan-Erik Ovaldsen? 304? Exercises? Exercises 25.8, 25.17, 25.20, 26.1.?
08.05.2007Per B. Lilje? 209? Galactic evolution, Structure of the Universe? Chapter 26, page 999-1004, 1016-1018, 1030-1032. Chapter 27, page 1038-1051.?
09.05.2007Per B. Lilje? 209? Structure of the Universe? Chapter 27, page 1052-1080.?
10.05.2007Jan-Erik Ovaldsen? 304? Exercises? Exercises 26.16 (24.19), 27.2 (25.2), 27.16 (25.16). Here numbers in () refer to 1st edition of the book.?
15.05.2007Per B. Lilje? 209? Active galaxies? Chapter 28. The lecture will mainly be on gravitational lensing, pages 1130-1136, the rest on the chapter you should read on your own.?
16.05.2007Per B. Lilje? 209? Cosmology? Chapter 29, page 1144-1162.?
17.05.2007No teaching? ? ? Holiday?
22.05.2007Per B. Lilje? 209? Cosmology? Chapter 29, page 1162-1199. ?
23.05.2007Per B. Lilje? 209? Cosmology? Chapter 29, page 1199-1218.?
24.05.2007Jan-Erik Ovaldsen? 304? Exercises? Final exam 2004, exercise 3; Final exam 2006, exercise 1.?
29.05.2007Per B. Lilje? 209? Final question session!? This is the last teaching in AST2110 before the final exam.?
08.06.2007Yourself ? ? Final exam ? Here you show that you are real astrophysicists. ?
Publisert 8. jan. 2007 19:34 - Sist endret 4. mai 2007 19:43