
Publisert 29. mai 2022 12:08

Exam list


Make sure that you are on the list if you have all the labs approved for spring 2022!

Publisert 20. feb. 2022 21:20

Lecture 22. February and 1. March have been changed to Digital teaching - Lecture recording.

So far very few students have showed up at the lectures on campus. Since week 8 is winter holiday it is not expected to improve for 22. February... Hopefully more students will attend lectures from 8th March.

As usual you find the pre-recorded lecture in Timeplan /studier/emner/matnat/fys/FYS3240/v22/timeplan/index.html#FOR

Publisert 1. feb. 2022 08:00

Unfortunately, todays lecture (1. February) must be changed back to Digital teaching - Lecture recording.

As usual you find the pre-recorded lecture in Timeplan /studier/emner/matnat/fys/FYS3240/v22/timeplan/index.html#FOR

Publisert 28. jan. 2022 11:34

From 1th February we will try have most lectures on Blindern (physical lectures). See Timeplan for updates each week.

Digital recordings of lectures (pre-recorded) will also be made available for each lecture.

Publisert 25. jan. 2022 12:01

The link for the lab sessions:

Publisert 19. jan. 2022 19:30

From 31. January you can pick up the Lab-kit (Arduino Nano 33 BLE Sense) at Ekspedisjonen room V144 in the Physics building, between 9.00 and 15.00  Monday to Friday.

The Lab kit will be used in Lab 3, 4 and 5. 

Publisert 17. jan. 2022 21:52

Sp?rsm?l m? sendes via Canvas.

Post questions on Canvas! Reply will then also be in Canvas.

Publisert 16. jan. 2022 21:01

Lectures for the two first weeks will be digital - by own playback of the available recorded video. 

Updates will come later for the following weeks. Timeplan will be updated accordingly.

Publisert 30. des. 2021 14:00

All lectures for 2022 are now available (as PDFs).

First four lectures are available as pre-recordings. Lecture 1 (18th January) will only be digital - by own playback of the pre-recording.

Most likely pre-recordings (digital lecture) will be used for several weeks. Depending on the COVID-19 situation physical lectures can be possible from week 4, at the earliest.  The Timeplan will be updated and messages posted. 

Also note that most of the lecture slides were pre-recorded for 2021. For some slides some minor details (e.g. related to admin) have been updated for 2022, but the recording is the same. In that case the correct and updated information for 2022 is written on the slide.

All lab assignments are also available.