Oblig 2

The oblig 2 is the second of two mandatory exercises that must be passed in order to take the final exam.

Corrected solutions can be picked up at the Physics Front Office.


In order to pass you will need to show that you have done a decent attempt on ALL the subproblems. You will get 1 week, your answers are to be handed in before Friday May 25 at 14:00 in the Physics Front Office, in the box marked FYS4130. Remember to put your name on your answer sheets.

Please come to us with any questions early on: the administration needs to know who is eligible for the final exam by Tuesday May 29, so it is unlikely that there will be time for second attempts at this assignment.

Problem text: oblig 2.

Av Luiza Angheluta
Publisert 17. mai 2012 21:19 - Sist endret 18. mai 2012 15:45

There was a misprint in the periodic boundary condition before Eq. 1. This has been corrected in the new version.

Luiza Angheluta-Bauer - 18. mai 2012 15:46

In problem 1, you should let N tend to infinity when you determine the free energy per spin.

jorgentr@uio.no - 23. mai 2012 16:02

In 1b, if you calculate the magnetization to find the susceptibility, it is useful to write it on the same form as eq. (5.35) in Yeomans' book.

jorgentr@uio.no - 23. mai 2012 16:05

Everyone who answered the assignment passed, well done. For most of you I have attached a short solution manual, which I hope you'll have a look at. You get the assignments back from the Physics Front Office.

jorgentr@uio.no - 30. mai 2012 08:36

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