The exercises for this problem set are 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 2.1 and 2.2 in Sethna. Should you have any questions prior to the tutorial session on Jan 27, this is the place to post them.
In the tutorial session I plan for us to go through all or most of the exercises together, hopefully by having volunteers at the blackboard. This should provide an open and friendly environment where everyone gets the most out of everyone else's insights. Don't fret if you think this sounds scary. You are most likely to find that it is not, and you are equally welcome to contribute to the discussion without being at the blackboard.
The media file is an animation of a random walker trapped inside the silhouette of a man's face (it's not Boltzmann, but you can pretend it is if you like). You can get the code here. How many steps does the walker need to fill out the silhouette satisfactorily (you have to define what this means yourself)? The image is (301,263) pixels and each step is one pixel long in each dimension.
The comment field works as expected, even if it does not seem possible to comment on a comment. There is no LaTeX interpreter, but if you're fluent you can read the math anyway, e.g. $n_B = \frac{(N+M-1)!}{M!(N-1)!}$ from exercise 1.1.
We are working on making the comment field writable for anyone.
Looks good. Lets try it!
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