Problem set 3
This week's exercises are about the microcanonical ensemble and thermodynamics.
The exercises are 3.1, 3.2, 3.5 ,3.7, 3.9 and 3.11 from Sethna's book.
Answers can be found here.
Illustration of the three most important ensembles in statistical mechanics. (Figure taken from B. Veytsman and M. Kotelyanskii)
Publisert 3. feb. 2012 13:54
- Sist endret 10. feb. 2012 12:25
For exercise 3.5, the relation $ln(1-x) \approx -x$, valid for $x\ll 1$ is useful. It holds both ways, i.e. it can be used both to expand the logarithm and to recombine terms as logarithms.
In exercise 3.11 b) there appears to be a sign error in the definition of $P(S,V,N)$. Equation (3.36) should be used in its place.
Answers to problem set 3 have been posted.
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